С ОБЪЯСНЕНИЕМ ОТВЕТА The troops withdrew from the area of before darkness. Укажите один или несколько правильных вариантов ответа: encircled encirclement encircle
Task 1 answers :1. English is spoken by people all over the world . 2. My dog will be washed by me next week. 2. The rules must be followed by people. 4. By whom was discovered America. 5. Pete is always asked many questions by teacher.
Task 2 :1. The teacher said that the revolves around the earth. 2.Nick said to us that Jack and Karen had bought a house in the countryside. 3.Rayn said that Dad had been moving the lawn while I had been cleaning the car . 4. she asked her friend that did I love her new clothes. 5. Mike asked who was my favorite singer. 6.Tom asked her that when would we return . 7. Barbara asked him that where I had been
8. she said to me to go to the shopping . 9 . he said to Mary not to go . 10. Mother said to her daughter to phone me if there was eniergeney.
Zero Conditional (условное предложение нулевого типа) - условное предложение, передает общие истины, природные или научные факты, правила или часто повторяющиеся события, стали правилом. В таких предложениях союз подчиненности if (если) может быть заменен на when (когда).
В условных предложениях нулевого типа всегда используется Present Simple как в основном, так и в придаточном предложении.
Ice cream melts if we heat it. - Мороженое тает, если мы его нагреем.
If you do not water plants, they die. - Если ты не будешь поливать растения, они погибнут.
The ground gets wet when it rains. - Земля намокает, когда идет дождь.
When we mix blue and yellow, we get green. - Когда мы смешиваем синий и желтый, мы удерживаем зеленый.
Task 1 answers :1. English is spoken by people all over the world . 2. My dog will be washed by me next week. 2. The rules must be followed by people. 4. By whom was discovered America. 5. Pete is always asked many questions by teacher.
Task 2 :1. The teacher said that the revolves around the earth. 2.Nick said to us that Jack and Karen had bought a house in the countryside. 3.Rayn said that Dad had been moving the lawn while I had been cleaning the car . 4. she asked her friend that did I love her new clothes. 5. Mike asked who was my favorite singer. 6.Tom asked her that when would we return . 7. Barbara asked him that where I had been
8. she said to me to go to the shopping . 9 . he said to Mary not to go . 10. Mother said to her daughter to phone me if there was eniergeney.
Условные конструкции нулевого типа
Zero Conditional (условное предложение нулевого типа) - условное предложение, передает общие истины, природные или научные факты, правила или часто повторяющиеся события, стали правилом. В таких предложениях союз подчиненности if (если) может быть заменен на when (когда).
В условных предложениях нулевого типа всегда используется Present Simple как в основном, так и в придаточном предложении.
Ice cream melts if we heat it. - Мороженое тает, если мы его нагреем.
If you do not water plants, they die. - Если ты не будешь поливать растения, они погибнут.
The ground gets wet when it rains. - Земля намокает, когда идет дождь.
When we mix blue and yellow, we get green. - Когда мы смешиваем синий и желтый, мы удерживаем зеленый.