6. Первые три строчки диалога уже переведены в косвенную речь. См. Example. Следующие:
Mary says that sometimes he does and he very much likes to travel by car.
David is interested where they usually go.
Mary replies that they often go to the mountains. She says that they are going to the Oka soon. She invites David to go with them.
David gratefully accepts her invitation.
13. wants to know можно заменить любым выражением: is interested, wonders.
Mr.Brown wants to know what the capital of the United Kingdom is.
Mary wants to know if Scotland is an independent state.
Billy wants to know why his cousin is so careless.
The Davidsons want to know how many industrial cities there are in the North.
The teacher wants to know when I will go to Africa.
The doctor wants to know how I feel.
Эт фёст новбади вос интэрэстид ин хис айдиас. Бат Кьюбертин дид нот гив ап энд воркед хад.
Зэ Олимпик Геймс бигэн эгеин афте нёлли фифтин сентурис
Кьюбертин фаунд энд эмблэм оф файв линкед рингс. Зэц бикейм э симбол оф зэ Олимпик Геймс. Зис файв рингс репресент файф патм оф зэ ворд: Юэрэр, Эмэрика, Оустрэйлиа, Эфрике энд Айшие.
Сайнс зен зэ Олимпик Геймс хэв бикам зэ мост импотэн спортс эвэнт ин зэ ворд. Зэй а хэлд уанс эвэри фоур еас.
6. Первые три строчки диалога уже переведены в косвенную речь. См. Example. Следующие:
Mary says that sometimes he does and he very much likes to travel by car.
David is interested where they usually go.
Mary replies that they often go to the mountains. She says that they are going to the Oka soon. She invites David to go with them.
David gratefully accepts her invitation.
13. wants to know можно заменить любым выражением: is interested, wonders.
Mr.Brown wants to know what the capital of the United Kingdom is.
Mary wants to know if Scotland is an independent state.
Billy wants to know why his cousin is so careless.
The Davidsons want to know how many industrial cities there are in the North.
The teacher wants to know when I will go to Africa.
The doctor wants to know how I feel.