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28.03.2020 19:45 •  Английский язык

с тестами.
1. Choose the right variant.
The money you have given … on the table.
1. is
2. are
3. were
4. to be

2. Choose the right variant.
The news you told me yesterday … very bad.
1. are
2. be
3. was
4. were

3. Choose the right variant.
All his advice … always useful for us.
1. are
2. were
3. is
4. will

4. Choose the right variant.
Statistics … so boring!
1. are
2. does
3. were
4. is

5. Sam saw twenty … in the field.
1. ship
2. ships
3. sheep
4. sheeps
6. All … like window shopping.
1. women
2. woman
3. man
4. men
7. My … name is George.
1. uncle
2. uncle’s
3. aunt
4. aunt’s

8 … Prince Charles is the prince of Wales.
1. a
2. the
3. an
4. –
9. All … fight for peace.
1. mans
2. man
3. men
4. mens

10. When we come to London we always visit … BritishMuseum.
1. the
2. –
3. a
4. an
11. Tomorrow we ___ taking the day off.
1. will
2. have
3. were
4. are
12. Where did you ___ for your holiday in the end?
1. went
2. gone
3. go
4. going
13. I must admit you ___ tried but I'm afraid the answer is still no.
1. did
2. will
3. do
4. have
14. Ah, there you ___! I wondered where you were.
1. be
2. were
3. are
4. have been
15. Where's Mike? - … .
1. For three hours.
2. No, he isn't.
3. At eight.
4. At school.
16. Are you ___ at the moon?
2. looks
3. looking
4. looked

17. How high is Mountain Fuji? - … .

1. 4 or 5 hours.
2. In Japan.
3. 3,776 meters.
4. The highest in Japan.
18. I ___ tired, so I went to bed early.
1. was
2. is
3. am
4. were
19. What are you doing?- … .
1. I have eaten.
2. I'm eating.
3. I ate.
4. I will be eating.
20. How do you spell "dog"? - … .
1. Cat.
2. No, I don't.
3. D-O-G
4. I have one dog.

21. When did you go to that restaurant? - … .
1. Spaghetti.
2. With Jane.
3. Last night.
4. About 30 minutes.
22. Have you eaten lunch yet? - … .
1. Yes, I've already eaten.
2, Yes, I've already ate.
3. Yes, I've eaten yet.
4. Yes, I've ate yet.
23. "___ is that girl?" "She's my sister."
1. Which
2. Who
3. Whose
4. What
24. ___ your father taller than you?
1. Is
2. Are
3. Am
4. Does
25. Why are you ___ at me ?
1. look
2. looks
3. looking
4. looked
26. I ___ baseball very much.
1. am
2. have
3. like
4. was liked

27. I was ___ my car at that time.
1. washes
2. wash
3. washed
4. washing
28. When did you do that task ? - … .
1. Spaghetti.
2. With Jane.
3. Last night.
4. About 30 minutes.
29. Where do you usually eat lunch? - … .
1. In the cafeteria.
2. With Jane.
3. Sandwhich.
4. At 12:00.
30. We ___ chess next Saturday.
1. will play
2. playing
3. plays
4. played
31. My younger brother ___ dinner last night.
1. cook
2. cooked
3. cooks
4. cooking
32. Don't worry even if you … a mistake.
1. were making
2. has made
3. make
4. will make

33. The man who ___ walking down the road just now, lives next door.
1. is
2. will be
3. was
4. has been

34. King Arthur was the founder of the British state.
1. the
2. a
3. an
4. –

35. Kevin lost his pen & I gave him .
1. her
2. mine
3. his
4. me

36. John always does his tasks .
1. himself
2. him
3. his
4. hisself

37. They gave me … discs.
1. them
2. they
3. theirs
4. their

38. The kitten is sitting & washing .
1. itself
2. its
3. it
4. him

39. Where is … textbook? – I don’t know.
1. ours
2. your
3. us
4. ourselves

40. Ann told us about .
1. she
2. her
3. herself
4. us

Показать ответ
16.08.2021 19:14

Нэнси и Майкл вошли в комнату Робина. Робин лежит в постели. Он болен и слаб, и Нэнси и Майклу жаль его. Они хотят Робин широко улыбается им .

— Я знаю, почему вы здесь, — говорит им Робин. — Вы собираетесь найти дедушкину шкатулку с секретом.

— Да. Мы думаем, что сможем тебе в ближайшее время.

— Надеюсь, мы будем  вместе играть в футбол и делать много других вещей,  — говорит Майкл.

— О, хорошо, — отвечает Робин найдите эту шкатулку.

— Найдём, — Майкл и Нэнси возвращаются в гостиную. Их ожидает мистер Холл, дедушка Робина.

— Дядя Бен, — говорит Нэнси, — мы не совсем понимаем. Вы написали мне, но как шкатулка с секретом может Робину?  

— Вы видите, Робин очень болен. Операция будет очень дорогой. У нас не так много денег. Шкатулка очень важна для нас. Это единственный получить деньги. Это шкатулка с секретом. Никто не может открыть её. Она уже очень давно у нашей семьи. Мой отец рассказал мне, как её открыть.

— Но как шкатулка В ней есть деньги? — спрашивает Майкл.

— Ах, — говорит мистер Холл. — Это тоже секрет. Вы найдёте шкатулку для меня?

— Найдём. Но где она?

— Не знаю. Может быть, она сейчас у одного из наших родственников.

— Но как вы собираетесь выяснить, где находится шкатулка?

— Я позвоню Кэрол. Она живет в Бостоне. Она может знать что-то о шкатулке. Я позвоню ей и скажу, что вы приезжаете.

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20.09.2021 20:50
Упражнение 103
Вставьте some, any или no.
1. We haven't got any milk. We can't make an omelette. 2. Bob always likes some sugar in his coffee. 3. Poor Oliver was hungry. He wanted some bread.
They haven't got any stamps. I can't post my letter.
He has got no money. He can't spend his holidays in Switzerland any more and stay at luxury hotels.
There are no schools in this street. 7. Are there any pictures in your book? 8. There are no flowers here in winter. 9. I can see some children in the yard. They are playing. 10. Are there any new buildings in your street? 11. There are no people in the park because it is cold. 12. I saw some boys in the garden, but Mike was not among them. 13. They borrowed some good books from the library. 14. Give me some tea, please,
0,0(0 оценок)
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