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с тестом по английскому языку.
1 Circle the correct form of the verb.
1 He travels / ’s travelling a lot for his job.

2 When did you come / came to New York?

3 She can swims / swim 5 kilometres.

4 We don’t see / aren’t seeing them this evening.

5 They move in / moved in two weeks ago.

6 He’s going to marry / married her next summer.

7 I enjoy / ’m enjoying this party!

8 Where is / does your brother live now?

9 Why is the policeman talking / talk to him?

2 Complete the sentences with the verbs in the box.

Bought come comes are studying Did ... buy

did ... meet is staying went studies was

1 My mother in our house while we are on is staying


2 Paul French four times a week.

3 Anna to the cinema last weekend.

4 My mother from Poland.

5 My brothers modern languages in Paris.

6 When I was ten, my parents me a bicycle.

7 Simon you a present?

8 Where your father born?

3 Complete the paragraph with the correct form of the verbs in

the box.

be be come go live not enjoy study

My name (1) __ Natalia. I ( is 2) from Málaga,

in the south of Spain. I (3) a student at a

language school in London. I (4) English. I

(5) with an English family for three months.

The course is hard work and I (6) it very

much. Next week, I (7) home to Málaga for a holiday

9 Who you last night?

3/ Read the article. Circle the correct answer.

Some people are better communicators than others and this helps us

to choose our jobs. People who work alone, for example, artists or

postmen, don’t need good communication skills. Musicians

communicate with the other players through their music. However,

workers who speak to the public all day, for example, hotel

receptionists, need to enjoy meeting and helping people.

One profession that needs good communications skills (but does

not always have them) is medicine. A clever doctor may not be very

good at talking to his or her patients. Some teaching hospitals now

train their medical students to have a good bed-side manner. This

means the medical students learn to be kind and friendly when they

are talking to sick people who are frightened or unhappy.

Another profession that needs good communication skills is the

police force. The police learn to look carefully at faces and bodies so

they can ‘read’ if a person is dangerous or not telling the truth.

1 All / Some people are good communicators.

2 A good receptionist likes working in a hotel / meeting


3 Most / Some doctors are bad communicators.

4 Doctors can’t / can learn to communicate with

ordinary people.

5 A ‘good bed-side manner’ means you can talk about

science / kindly to patients.

6 Medical students are student doctors / sick students.

7 Patients are dangerous / sick people.

8 You can’t / can learn to read body language.

Показать ответ
25.05.2023 04:36

1. What do you need for travelling abroad?

Короткий ответ: For travelling abroad you need your passport, visa and sometimes travel or health insurance.

Подробный ответ: There are a number of essential items you need to have for travelling abroad. First and foremost you need your passport and visa. They are the most important documents that you must have in order to visit a foreign country. Another documents of great importance are your travel or health insurance.

2. What formalities do you have to go through before the departure?

Короткий ответ: Before the departure passengers must do the check-in, print out a boarding pass, go through security check and customs.

Подробный ответ: Before the departure passengers have to do the check-in. You can do it either online at home or with a check-in counter at the airport. Then you have to check in your luggage. It will be tagged and sent to your plane by airport staff. You must also print out a boarding pass which includes the information of your seat number, departure time and boarding gate. The next step is passing the security check. You will need to remove any metallic accessories (e.g. keys, jewelry, etc.) that you may have on you.

3. What do you have to declare at the customs declaration?

Короткий ответ: At the customs declaration you have to declare medicines, weapons, cultural valuables, cash if it exceeds standard limits, animals and plants, alcoholic drinks, tobacco products, expensive jewelry, etc.  

Подробный ответ: The list of items you have to declare at the customs varies by countries. Most of the times these are medicines, weapons, cultural valuables, animals and plants, alcoholic drinks, tobacco products, (in Russia) items worth more than EUR 10,000, or cash in excess of USD 10,000.

4. What anti-hijacking measures are there?

Короткий ответ: Anti-hijacking measures are taken to provide security by using surveillance and monitoring systems, biometric devices, detection equipment for passengers, baggage and cargo screening, secure information systems, to name a few.  Подробный ответ: Different anti-hijacking measures are taken to provide security at the airports. Some of them include:  - surveillance and monitoring systems,  - the use of biometric devices to protect secure areas,  - detection equipment for passenger, luggage and cargo screening (X-ray screening, body scanners, etc.),  - information sharing and secure information systems on passenger records.

1. Что нужно для поездки за границу?

Короткий ответ: Для выезда за границу вам понадобится паспорт, виза, а иногда и туристическая или медицинская страховка.

Подробный ответ: Есть ряд необходимых вещей, которые вам понадобятся в поездке за границу. В первую очередь вам нужен паспорт и виза. Это самые важные документы, которые вы должны иметь для посещения другой страны. Еще одним очень важным документом является страховка путешественника или медицинская страховка.

2. Какие формальности нужно пройти перед отъездом?

Короткий ответ: Перед вылетом пассажиры должны пройти регистрацию, распечатать посадочный талон, пройти контроль безопасности и таможню.  

Подробный ответ: Пассажирам перед вылетом необходимо пройти регистрацию на рейс. Вы можете сделать это онлайн дома или на стойке регистрации в аэропорту. Затем вам нужно сдать багаж. Персонал аэропорта пометит его и отправит на ваш самолет. Вы также должны распечатать посадочный талон, в котором указаны номер вашего места, время отправления и выход на посадку. Следующий шаг - прохождение проверки безопасности. Вам нужно будет удалить все металлические аксессуары (например, ключи, украшения и т.п.), которые могут у вас быть.

3. Что нужно указать в таможенной декларации?

Короткий ответ: В таможенной декларации необходимо указать лекарства, оружие, культурные ценности, наличные деньги, если они превышают установленные лимиты, животных и растения, алкогольные напитки, табачные изделия, дорогие украшения и т.п.

Подробный ответ: Список товаров, которые необходимо декларировать на таможне, зависит от страны. Чаще всего это лекарства, оружие, культурные ценности, животные и растения, алкогольные напитки, табачные изделия, (в России) предметы на сумму более 10 000 евро или наличные деньги на сумму более 10 000 долларов США.

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01.06.2020 13:38

Текст с переводом:

Big Ben is the national symbol of Great Britain.

It is a clock on the tower of the Palace of Westminster in London. Namely, it is a bell in the clock. The designer of the tower is English architect August Pugin. He designed it in 1858. It weights 13.5 tons and it is 318 feet high. Big Ben is one of the famous buildings of the UK.

Биг Бен является национальным символом Великобритании.

Это часы на башне Вестминстерского дворца в Лондоне. А именно, это колокол в часах. Конструктором башни является английский архитектор Огастес Пьюджин . Он разработал его в 1858 году. Он весит 13.5 тонн, и 318 футов в высоту. Биг-Бен является одним из самых известных зданий в Великобритании.

P.S. сорри что поздно

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