с заданием! Надо прочитать предложения и исправить их на правильные.
a)In the south of the island there's a hill.
b)There's a bridge across a river in the east.
c)In the north of the island there's a jungle.
d)You can see some hills in the west of the island.
e)There are mountains with a cave in the nort-west.
f)There's a swamp in the north-east.
g)There's a castle in the north-east.
h)There's a beach in the south-west.
One of the main problems of adolescents from the point of view of psychology is too early maturing and its consequences.
When a child becomes a teenager, he thinks, «I am already an adult now I can be all!» and begins to make rash acts, which he considers adults. For example Smoking. Starting Smoking teenager thinks that becomes steeper. Soon teenager begins to brag about his addiction starting to smoke when friends and acquaintances, thus teenager trying to prove that what he is doing really cool and trying to teach it to their friends.