Choose the correct answer.
Stamford is the village I grew up.
where b) who c) which d) whose
That’s the referee bad decision caused us to lose the last match.
who b)whose c) whom d) which
Tom’s poor health was the main reason he gave up his job.
why b) which c) where d) whose
Cornwall was the place we always used to spend our holidays.
which b) when c) that d) where
The player scored the most goals is the best player on the team.
whose b) who c) when d) which
‘Superman Returns’ is the best film I have ever seen, is now out on DVD.
when b) who c) which d) that
That was the summer I got my driving license.
where b) when c) which d) why
Choose the correct answer.
Stamford is the village I grew up.
where b) who c) which d) whose
That’s the referee bad decision caused us to lose the last match.
who b)whose c) whom d) which
Tom’s poor health was the main reason he gave up his job.
why b) which c) where d) whose
Cornwall was the place we always used to spend our holidays.
which b) when c) that d) where
The player scored the most goals is the best player on the team.
whose b) who c) when d) which
‘Superman Returns’ is the best film I have ever seen, is now out on DVD.
when b) who c) which d) that
That was the summer I got my driving license.
where b) when c) which d) why
Тви ин ˈрашэ из ˈсимилэ ту ˌтиˈви ин ˈазэˌюэрэˈпиэн ˈкантриз?уи со ˈрашэн ˈвёшэнз овлост ов ˈфэмили шоуз лайк "бигˈбразэ" энд "ху уонтс ту би э ˌмильэˈнеэ?" уирид зэ ˈпроугрэм гайд . ˈрашэн ˌтиˈви ˈолсоухэз э фью соуп ˈопэрэз, эз ин ˈолмоуст ˈевриˈазэ плейс ин зэ уёлд. ˈрашэн ˈтелиˌвижэнхэз ˈоувэ ˈтуэнти ˈчэнлз он зи еэр энд зиз абоус ˈпаблик энд ˈпрайвит. уан ов зэ моустˈпопьюлэ ˈчэнлз из ˈчэнл уан . уи со лост овэдˈвётс фо вэˈрайэти шоуз энд ˈкомидишоуз. зиз а ˈвери ˈпопьюлэ . ˈрашэнз ˈриэлилайк ту lauhg энд зей инˈджой ˈуочин funneˈскечиз энд ˈстэндап кэˈмидиэнз исˈпешэлиуэн зей тел джоукс эˈбaут ˈполитикс. ов косзеэр ар ˈолсоу лост ов эˈмерикэн эндˌюэрэˈпиэн филмз он ˈтелиˌвижэн. инфэкт, викт соу ˈмени ˈдифрэнт тайпс овˈпроугрэмз уи фaунд ит хад ту чуз!