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11.01.2022 03:17 •  Английский язык

SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY Technology means the use of people’s inventions and discov¬eries to satisfy their needs. science people have appeared on the earth, they have had to get food, clothes, and shelter. Through the ages, people have invented tools, machines, and materials to make work easier.
Nowadays, when people speak of technology, they generally mean industrial technology. Industrial technology began about 200 years ago with the development of the steam engine, the growth of factories, and the mass production of goods. It influ¬enced different aspects of people’s lives. The development of the car influenced where people lived and worked. Radio and tele¬vision changed their leisure time. The telephone revolutionized communication.
Science has contributed much to moden technology. Sci¬ence attempts to explain how and why things happen. Techno¬logy makes things happen. But not all technology is based on science. For example, people had made different objects from iron for centuries before they learnt the structure of the metal. But some moden technologies, such as nuclear power produc¬tion and space travel, depend heavily on science.

EXERCISE 1 a)найдите в тексте слова, которые имеют похожее значение со словами из рамки, выпишите их
ПРИМЕР: a motor- the steam engine

wide, to research, to attempt, to believe, to examine, main,, complex, difficult, to start, big, a motor, various, to study;

EXERCISE 2 найдите в тексте эквиваленты данным словам и выражениям и выпишите их на английском языке.
ПРИМЕР: означает-means

означает, охватывает, взаимосвязь, широкое разнообра¬зие, происхождение Вселенной, структура клеток, сложный, собирать факты, упорядочить и обоб¬щить, общие принципы, пытаются объяснить, как и по¬чему, что-то произошло,, соответствующий действительно¬сти, основные группы, общественные науки, в то же самое время, все менее и менее четкие, многочисленный, тесно взаимосвязаны, она обеспечивает, открытия, изобретения, формировать наши взгляды, о себе, удовлетворять соб¬ственные нужды, они должны были, кров, на протяжении веков, инструменты, чтобы сделать, в настоящее время, тому назад, паровой двигатель, рост, массовое производство товаров, время досуга, произвел революцию, сделала большой вклад, например, из железа, в течение веков, очень сильно, зависит.

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19.07.2021 19:26
1. Russia is considered to be one of the most snowy countries. - Россия считается одной из самых снежных стран
2. During the last century the monarchy in Russia was changed to presidential government - За последнее тысячелетие монархия в России сменилась президентским правлением
3. In 1712 the capital of Russia was moved from St.Petersburg to Moscow - В 1712 году столица России была перенесена из Петербурга в Москву
4. In 1917 Russia was declared to be an independent republic - В 1917 году Россия была провозглашена независимой республикой.
5. Russian women are considered to be very beautiful - Русские женщины считаются очень красивыми
6. Rusian bear and matreshka souvenir are often used as a unofficial symbols of Russia. - Русский медведь и сувенир матрешка часто используются в качестве неофициальных символов Росии.
7. Russian classical writers are well known all over the world. - Русские классические писатели известны по всему миру.
8. 8 860 400 soldiers from Russia's and other ex-USSR countries were killed during the World War II. - 8 860 400 солдат из России и других бывших стран СССР были убиты во время Второй Мировой Войны.
9. Approximetely 162 languages are spoken in Russian Federation. - Приблизительно 162 языка используются в Российской Федерации.
10. Olympic games were conducted in Moscow in 1980 - В 1980 году в Москве были проведены Олимпийские игры.
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03.06.2020 20:46
It guards the Danish officers and Marcel Bernard bearing service at Elsinore Castle, comes Horatio - Hamlet's friend. His visit prompted by the desire to test the hearing of the appearance of the ghost of the recently deceased Danish king. This phenomenon leads to the scholar Horatio thought about upcoming unrest in the kingdom. He decides to tell a friend about what they saw. Hamlet mourns the dead father. His sorrow exacerbates mother too soon after his father's death his mother's marriage. Faced with the ghost of Hamlet learns about achievements crime. King was poisoned by his own brother, who dreamed to seize the throne. Ghost asks the prince to commit an act of retaliation.     Laertes is sent to Paris. Together with his father, a nobleman Polonius, Ophelia they give instructions, believing that it does not have much time to spend with Hamlet. Surrounding the cause of insanity Hamlet believe his love for Ophelia. Servants of the new king Rosencrantz and Gildestern will attempt to learn the cause of the painful mood prince. The young man reveals their plans.
    Hamlet wants to take revenge on the murderer. He agrees with the actors arrived, that at the murder scene in a play, they will add to the words of the hero line, composed by Prince. Hamlet hopes that this scene will impress and give himself a murderer. The young man thinks about the fear of death and comes to the conclusion that the person is afraid of the unknown.     Prince meets Ophelia, but soon realized that their conversation overheard, he pretends to be crazy. On the play Hamlet comment on the events on the stage and during an episode of the murder of the king does not stand up. It convinces the prince and his friend Horatio in support of their allegations.
    The conversation with the Queen Hamlet overhears Polonius, who found himself receives a fatal blow with his sword. Introduced ghost exhorts Hamlet sorry mother. Queen sees no one there and takes the conversation with the ghost of Hamlet for brain fog son. King decides to take the life of a prince sent to England with the help of his servants. Hamlet suffers his indecision.     Laertes returns, shocked by the news of his father's death and finds Ophelia in frustration reason suffering from grief. Hamlet returns. After receiving this news, the king wants to kill Hamlet, Laertes hands craving for retribution. Ophelia dies. Hamlet returns to the ship, knowing about the plans of the enemy. After the attack the pirates on the ship Prince is captured and is in Denmark. Before the fight with Laertes, Hamlet asks his forgiveness. King prepares to fight for rapier Laertes. Poisoned sword strikes brother of Ophelia of Hamlet. Change Rapier Prince stabs Laertes. Hamlet's mother dies after drinking cooked for her son King poisoned wine. King Hamlet wounds prepared by him poison blade. Horatio, who wished to drink poison poisoned wine to follow another, Hamlet stops, to tell the truth about what happened
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