Wellington (Wellington) is the capital of New Zealand, the second by population city in the country, the largest capital among countries in Oceania and the southernmost capital in the world. The city is located in the region of Wellington in the southern part of the North island. Maori name for Wellington is Te Hanawi-a-Tara. Wellington is named after Arthur Wellesley, 1st Duke of Wellington, a prominent British military leader, winner at Waterloo, Prime Minister of great Britain, to perpetuate "relations of the metropolis with the future of the city", and in gratitude to the Duke, who supported the principles of the colonization plan of William Wakefield, the founder of the city. Веллингтон (Wellington) — столица Новой Зеландии, второй по численности населения город страны, крупнейшая столица среди стран Океании и самая южная столица в мире. Город расположен в регионе Веллингтон в южной части острова Северный. Маорийское название Веллингтона — Те Фанауи-а-Тара. Город Веллингтон назван в честь Артура Уэлсли, 1-ого герцога Веллингтон, выдающегося британского полководца, победителя при Ватерлоо, премьер-министра Великобритании, с целью увековечивания «связей метрополии с будущим города», а также в качестве благодарности герцогу, который поддержал принципы колонизационного плана Уильяма Уэйкфилда, основателя города.
1. Today people seldom write letters. It’s easier to phone. 2. — Do you feel better now than yesterday? — No, I am feeling much worse. 3. France is bigger than England. 4. She’s the most beautiful girl he has ever met. 5. My flat isn’t big. I’d like to have a bigger one. 6. It was colder yesterday than it is today. 7. Our climate is getting warmer and warmer. 8. It was the worst mistake I’ve ever made in my life. 9. Who is the most important person in your life? 10. She is the cleverest than her sister. 11. This actor looks much younger in life than on TV. 12. Let’s move to the sitting room. It’s lighter there. 13. He is the smartest man in the world and she is the kindest woman of all. 14. What is the best film you’ve ever seen? 15. You’ll live longer if you eat less. 16. This computer is more expensive than that one. 17. The English language is easier than the German language. 18. My life now is more interesting than it used to be. 19. Cats are easier to keep than dogs. 20. It was the most difficult exam I had ever taken. 21. People live much longer nowadays than they used to
Веллингтон (Wellington) — столица Новой Зеландии, второй по численности населения город страны, крупнейшая столица среди стран Океании и самая южная столица в мире. Город расположен в регионе Веллингтон в южной части острова Северный. Маорийское название Веллингтона — Те Фанауи-а-Тара. Город Веллингтон назван в честь Артура Уэлсли, 1-ого герцога Веллингтон, выдающегося британского полководца, победителя при Ватерлоо, премьер-министра Великобритании, с целью увековечивания «связей метрополии с будущим города», а также в качестве благодарности герцогу, который поддержал принципы колонизационного плана Уильяма Уэйкфилда, основателя города.
you feel better now than yesterday? — No, I am feeling much
worse. 3. France is bigger than England. 4. She’s the most beautiful girl he has ever met. 5. My flat isn’t big. I’d like to have a bigger one. 6. It
was colder yesterday than it is today. 7. Our climate is getting
warmer and warmer. 8. It was the worst mistake I’ve ever made in
my life. 9. Who is the most important person in your life? 10. She is
the cleverest than her sister. 11. This actor looks much younger in life
than on TV. 12. Let’s move to the sitting room. It’s lighter there.
13. He is the smartest man in the world and she is the kindest woman
of all. 14. What is the best film you’ve ever seen? 15. You’ll live
longer if you eat less. 16. This computer is more expensive than
that one. 17. The English language is easier than the German
language. 18. My life now is more interesting than it used to be.
19. Cats are easier to keep than dogs. 20. It was the most difficult exam
I had ever taken. 21. People live much longer nowadays than
they used to