Shogan Валиханов родился в ноябре 1835 года.Он был казахский ученый,этнограф и историк.Shogan провел свое детство в отца с традиционной юрте.Отец отправил его в небольшой частной школы в 1842 году, когда ему было шесть.Он переехал в дом бабушки. Уалиханов поступил в Академию milltary в Омске в 1847 году. Он читал много книг в России. Он путешествовал в Центральной Азии в конце 1850-х годов.В 1856 году он поехал в район Issyg культуры, где он карга своей первой успешной экспедиции. В 1857 году он отправился в Россию, чтобы сообщить о результатах экспедиции и там он ecaame член Российской Ceographical общества. В июне 28,1858, Shogan Уалиханов начал свою вторую экспедицию. У него был караван из 43 человек,101 верблюдов и 65 лошадей. Караван прибыл в Kazakhgar в начале октября 1858 года. В своих путешествиях он собрал множество материалов о традициях и обычаях народа в тех местах, которые он посетил. Он вернулся в свой родной степной край, потому что он серьезно заболел весной 1861 года.Он умер в апреле 10,1865 в возрасте 29 лет.Его произведения по-прежнему популярны.
One day we were walking in the winter with my mother in winter park. And then I noticed that someone was moving in the thick trunk of an old tree. I looked back and saw a squirrel! She was kept in the trunk, tightly gripping the bark claws on their feet. At first glance, it was clear that the fur from squirrels is very thick and fluffy. I do this and not surprised, because it was winter, and the winter beasts grow their warm coats. The animal coat combined three colors: red-red, ash gray and white. The back and head were red squirrels, little gray flanks and belly - white. Squirrel, unblinking, staring at us with his shiny black eyes. They reminded me of embers. Ears on a small animal head looking up. I noticed them funny tassels. In class at school they told us that the brush grows on ears squirrels in time for the winter, and in summer they are not there. But most luxurious squirrel in winter plumage was, of course, her fur fluffy tail! After all, he even replaces the protein parachute when she jumps in the trees! I noticed that the tail of the animal was gray with red color. He seemed very large, even larger than the squirrels! Here squirrel, quickly turning over its strong prehensile paws, instantly climbed the tree trunk. Little climber in the blink of an eye disappeared behind the branches, and I lost sight of it. She remembered me this beautiful fluffy!
At first glance, it was clear that the fur from squirrels is very thick and fluffy. I do this and not surprised, because it was winter, and the winter beasts grow their warm coats. The animal coat combined three colors: red-red, ash gray and white. The back and head were red squirrels, little gray flanks and belly - white.
Squirrel, unblinking, staring at us with his shiny black eyes. They reminded me of embers. Ears on a small animal head looking up. I noticed them funny tassels. In class at school they told us that the brush grows on ears squirrels in time for the winter, and in summer they are not there.
But most luxurious squirrel in winter plumage was, of course, her fur fluffy tail! After all, he even replaces the protein parachute when she jumps in the trees! I noticed that the tail of the animal was gray with red color. He seemed very large, even larger than the squirrels!
Here squirrel, quickly turning over its strong prehensile paws, instantly climbed the tree trunk. Little climber in the blink of an eye disappeared behind the branches, and I lost sight of it. She remembered me this beautiful fluffy!