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15.09.2021 02:19 •  Английский язык

сделать краткий перессказ . THE RESTAURANT BUSINESS
The first true restaurant, the Grande Taverne de Londres, opened in Paris in 1782, by Boulanger, “the father of modern restaurant”. He called his famous soups “restoratives”, because they were believed to restore the guests’ strength and energy.
By 1794, when heads were literally rolling in Paris, there were about five hundred restaurants in this city. Although it really cannot be said that the French Revolution was responsible for the invention of the restaurant, it was responsible for the propagation of the concept. The chefs of the best restaurants were scattered by the Revolution. Some stayed in France; some went to other parts of Europe; many crossed the Atlantic to America, especially to New Orleans, the truly French corner of the New World. They almost all went into restaurant business, bringing their culinary traditions with them. Soon the plain, hearty fare of the British and the primitive cooking of the Americans were laced with piquant sauces.
Other countries, too, felt the effects of French culinary artistry, and most absorbed some of the principles of French cooking into their own. Exceptions were the Italians, who had developed their own very strong culinary traditions and felt, with great deal of justification, that French cooking was itself derived from the Italian.
Restaurants play an important role in society. Dining out fulfills an important
social need. People want not only nourishment, but also the social interaction that
takes place in a restaurant setting. But the successful operation of a restaurant is
dependent on a number of factors, and the most important of them are its positioning, i.e. a distinctive place in the market and its concept, i.e. the total impression it makes on its potential guests.
The market of a restaurant is composed of those guests who will patronize it.
A good indication of the size of the market can be ascertained by taking a radius of
from 1 to 5 miles around the restaurant in question. This area is usually called the
catchment area. In order to determine the potential viability of a restaurant it is
necessary to divide the number of restaurants in the catchment area by the total
population. The average number of people per restaurant in the United States is about five hundred. Perhaps this kind of saturation is one of the reasons for the high failure rate in restaurant business.
Obviously, each is different: one location may have several Italian restaurants
but no Chinese restaurant. Therefore, a Chinese restaurant would be unique in the
market, and, if properly positioned, may have a competitive advantage. If someone in the catchment are wanted to eat Italian food, he would have to choose among the
various Italian restaurants. Each year thousands of new restaurants open and
thousands more close, and even more change ownership for cents on the dollar. The restaurant business is relatively easy to enter, but it is very difficult to succeed.

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19.08.2022 17:30
Закон спроса часто может быть запутанной. эконометрические формул и впечатляющие диаграммы, иногда невозможно понять. к счастью, хотя, некоторые идеи, совершенно очевидно. одной из этих идей является закон спроса. всегда не соглашаясь друг с другом, но закон спроса-это единственное, что они все согласны. они все согласны на это, потому что это имеет смысл даже для как вы и я. спрос-это сколько же товара или услуги люди хотели бы купить. закон спроса утверждает, что спрос на что-то падает, как ее роста цен. показать эту концепцию с кривой спроса, которые можно увидеть на рисунке 1 на странице 12. причина, почему закон спроса работает вполне очевиден: деньги у нас ограничены. если что-то становится дороже, у нас будет меньше денежных средств тратить на другие наши потребности. если продукт или услуга не является необходимостью, мы решили купить меньше. большинство правил имеют исключения, но согласны, что существует мало исключений из закона спроса. это даже относится к основным первой необходимости, как вода. когда вода становится дороже, люди находят способы использования менее. когда правительство ввело высокие налоги на бензин, люди стараются не использовать свои автомобили так часто. падение спроса может быть маленькими, но это реально. так цена влияет на спрос, но сила эффекта варьируется. сила цена / отношения спроса называется ценовой эластичности. используют простой эконометрической формулу для измерения эластичность цен для определенного продукта в конкретном рынке. это правительствам и компаниям устанавливать цены на правильный уровень для конкретного времени и план увеличения цен. не забывайте, однако, что другие вещи влияют на спрос помимо цены. например, во время холодной зимы, спрос на топливо для обогрева как газ или уголь будет расти по любой цене. если зимой необычно тепло, то спрос на топливо будет падать. говорят, что эти ситуации вызывают сдвиг в кривой спроса. вы можете увидеть это на рисунке 2. на рис. 2, кривая еще одной формы, потому что цена по-прежнему имеет тот же эффект на спрос. однако, что-то еще вызвало общее увеличение спроса на всех цен. рост или падение в доходов населения, моды, климата и многих других вещей может повлиять на спрос на этом пути
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02.06.2022 18:20
My idol is my older brother. how many can remember from childhood we are always together. he was always serious, it was even called the little peasant. as was already as a child wise beyond his years, and had certain goals. our childhood took place in hard times of the perestroika period. but we are not discouraged, brother constantly had to think of something interesting. so our childhood was fun and bright. in sixth grade, he decided to build a hut. and he did it and we helped him. although brought to mind all my decision. grandpa swore that the nails and boards are not know what. but the hut was built very good and reliable, and for many years we played there. when we became teenagers, my brother was always serious. he practiced hard for sports, was to win city competitions on sambo. purposefully walked to his goal. received the sports category. even when the youth gathered in the evening on the street. with him was no big deal, we were not allowed to do stupid things. tried talking with them, though, and could use force. as i remember it, he had to work for everything. even in school trying to reach everything on their own, although my mom always helped us, if that was not clear. finished school with a silver medal, went to college to be an engineer of ict. also successfully finished it.
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