сделать номера из Gramma немера 1, 2, 3 номер 1 пункт 1 Grammar 4 Chris / do you think / his history exam / will pass / ? 5 won't /our team /the championship 6 be very different /will life / in the future / ?
A 75-year-old man from Vilnius was caught shoplifting in a supermarket when he was trying to leave the shop without paying for any of the products he had taken.
It was Wednesday evening and the man was looking around the shop when he noticed that he was late for the basketball match. Unfortunately, the old man had Alzheimer's disease. That's way he forgot he had some items in his hands. So, when he was going through the exit, the security guard stopped him and called the police.
The man said he had no idea what he is doing with the products in his hands.
"It's not my fault. Really! Please, believe me. Perhaps it's because of alliens" the old man said. Everybody started laughing, all the people who were there thought that the man was lying. After 20 seconds the old man said; "Excuse me officer, can you tell me what the hell I am doing here?"
Then the policemen realized that the pensioner was just a mad man, who needed professional help.
Shoulder плече
Neck шия
Chest грудна клітка
Arm рука
Hand рука (долоня)
Leg нога
Knee коліно
Foot ступня
Ankle щиколотка
Head голова
Elbow лікоть
Back спина
Bottom п’ята точка
Thigh стегно
Calf литка
Heel п’ятка
Wrist зап’ястя
Thumb великий палець
Index finger вказівний палець
Finger nail ніготь
Middle finger середній палець
Ring finger безіменний палець
Little finger мізинець
Knuckle кістяшка пальця
Ankle щиколотка
Heel п’ятка
Toe nail ніготь на пальці ногі
Big toe великий палець на нозі
Little toe маленький палець на нозі
A 75-year-old man from Vilnius was caught shoplifting in a supermarket when he was trying to leave the shop without paying for any of the products he had taken.
It was Wednesday evening and the man was looking around the shop when he noticed that he was late for the basketball match. Unfortunately, the old man had Alzheimer's disease. That's way he forgot he had some items in his hands. So, when he was going through the exit, the security guard stopped him and called the police.
The man said he had no idea what he is doing with the products in his hands.
"It's not my fault. Really! Please, believe me. Perhaps it's because of alliens" the old man said. Everybody started laughing, all the people who were there thought that the man was lying. After 20 seconds the old man said; "Excuse me officer, can you tell me what the hell I am doing here?"
Then the policemen realized that the pensioner was just a mad man, who needed professional help.