Сделать описание своего отдыха(past simle/ past continues )по форме письма(приветствие-вступление-основная часть-заключение-подпись). Полезные фразы и пример письма в прикреплённых файлах СЕГОДНЯ И ЕЩЁ НЕТУ НИКАКОЙ РАЗНИЦЫ ОПИСАНИЕ ЧЕЙ ОТДЫХА МОЖНО СВОЙ ИЛИ Т.Д.
Thanos was born on one of Saturn's moons, Titan. His parents were the Eternals, Mentor, and Sue-Sane. Thanos turned out to be the carrier of the Deviants gene, and therefore bore the features of the appearance of the race related to the Eternals. Although he was treated fairly, Thanos became very concerned about his appearance and isolated himself by playing only with his brother Eros (Starfox). Thanos became very interested in nihilism and death, and began to serve and eventually fell in love with the physical embodiment of death, Mistress Death. As an adult, Thanos used his knowledge of bionics and mysticism to become the strongest among the inhabitants of Titan, and was often referred to as the Mad Titan.
Танос был рождён на одном из Спутников Сатурна, Титане. Его родителями были Вечные, Ментор и Сьюи-Сэйн. Танос оказался носителем гена Девиантов, и потому носил в себе черты внешнего вида родственной Вечным расы. Хотя с ним обращались честно, Танос стал очень заботиться о своём внешнем виде и изолировал себя, играя лишь со своим братом Эросом (Старфокс). Танос очень заинтересовался нигилизмом и смертью, и начал служить и, в конечном счёте, влюбился в физическое воплощение смерти, Госпожу Смерть. Став взрослым, Танос использовал знание бионики и мистицизм, чтобы стать самым сильным среди жителей Титана, и стал часто упоминаться, как Безумный Титан
Most of these differences are caused by rapid technological progress. Almost every teenager has a computer, mobile phone and Internet access. On the one hand, this is good, because they can find any information, whether it is useful or not; any book or movie can also be found very easily and quickly. Moreover, the Internet helps in learning, and people from different countries or cities can communicate, despite the differences between them. On the other hand, teenagers are becoming more lazy because they are better off sitting at home in front of a computer than going somewhere. Also, the large amount of information they receive every day makes them indifferent to amazing things. Teenagers are not so passionate about the beauty of nature or art, because they have already seen it. The Internet can show everything from van Gogh paintings to the Aurora Borealis, so young people don't need to travel or visit museums to see something unusual. As a result, it is very difficult to surprise a teenager, because the computer screen already shows and explains everything.
The Internet also affects teenagers ' relationships. Those young people who are shy or afraid to introduce new people choose friends on the Internet. There are many social networks where thousands of users spend hours chatting in them. Sometimes, instead of living an exciting and vibrant life, teenagers wander the web, communicate with unreal friends. Also, many young people play online games that take a lot of time, they start living in the virtual world and forget about everything.
Despite the fact that young people are not very impressionable, they have addictions. The most popular and favorite music. Currently, there are a wide variety of bands and genres of music, from reggae and pop to techno and doom metal, so every teenager can find what he or she likes. Many teenagers prefer to communicate with those who have similar musical tastes, so the first question when he or she meets a stranger may be
Thanos was born on one of Saturn's moons, Titan. His parents were the Eternals, Mentor, and Sue-Sane. Thanos turned out to be the carrier of the Deviants gene, and therefore bore the features of the appearance of the race related to the Eternals. Although he was treated fairly, Thanos became very concerned about his appearance and isolated himself by playing only with his brother Eros (Starfox). Thanos became very interested in nihilism and death, and began to serve and eventually fell in love with the physical embodiment of death, Mistress Death. As an adult, Thanos used his knowledge of bionics and mysticism to become the strongest among the inhabitants of Titan, and was often referred to as the Mad Titan.
Танос был рождён на одном из Спутников Сатурна, Титане. Его родителями были Вечные, Ментор и Сьюи-Сэйн. Танос оказался носителем гена Девиантов, и потому носил в себе черты внешнего вида родственной Вечным расы. Хотя с ним обращались честно, Танос стал очень заботиться о своём внешнем виде и изолировал себя, играя лишь со своим братом Эросом (Старфокс). Танос очень заинтересовался нигилизмом и смертью, и начал служить и, в конечном счёте, влюбился в физическое воплощение смерти, Госпожу Смерть. Став взрослым, Танос использовал знание бионики и мистицизм, чтобы стать самым сильным среди жителей Титана, и стал часто упоминаться, как Безумный Титан
Most of these differences are caused by rapid technological progress. Almost every teenager has a computer, mobile phone and Internet access. On the one hand, this is good, because they can find any information, whether it is useful or not; any book or movie can also be found very easily and quickly. Moreover, the Internet helps in learning, and people from different countries or cities can communicate, despite the differences between them. On the other hand, teenagers are becoming more lazy because they are better off sitting at home in front of a computer than going somewhere. Also, the large amount of information they receive every day makes them indifferent to amazing things. Teenagers are not so passionate about the beauty of nature or art, because they have already seen it. The Internet can show everything from van Gogh paintings to the Aurora Borealis, so young people don't need to travel or visit museums to see something unusual. As a result, it is very difficult to surprise a teenager, because the computer screen already shows and explains everything.
The Internet also affects teenagers ' relationships. Those young people who are shy or afraid to introduce new people choose friends on the Internet. There are many social networks where thousands of users spend hours chatting in them. Sometimes, instead of living an exciting and vibrant life, teenagers wander the web, communicate with unreal friends. Also, many young people play online games that take a lot of time, they start living in the virtual world and forget about everything.
Despite the fact that young people are not very impressionable, they have addictions. The most popular and favorite music. Currently, there are a wide variety of bands and genres of music, from reggae and pop to techno and doom metal, so every teenager can find what he or she likes. Many teenagers prefer to communicate with those who have similar musical tastes, so the first question when he or she meets a stranger may be