Hockey is a game played only in winter. Now I will try to tell you about this game in details. We need an area for the game, which is well covered with ice. To play hockey you need sharpened skates, pucks and hockey sticks. The players are divided into two teams with a goalkeeper in each team. Then the game begins. You are to throw the puck into the opponent's gate. The hockey game time is divided into three periods with each period usually lasting 20 minutes. There are two breaks in the match.
Now I will tell you about other rules of the game. The referee watches as the game goes, punishes for the violations, and does not give any privileges to either of the teams. The game begins after throwing out the puck and the referee's whistle. The puck is a flat hard disk. Hockey players are forbidden to touch the puck until it touches the ice. The hockey stick consists of a hook and a handle. Sticks are made of wood and other materials.
The hockey uniform consists of sweaters, breeches and a headgear (it also performs a protective function). Each player has a certain number on his sweater. The uniform of each team should be contrast because, otherwise, many problems may appear. More interesting is that the captain of the team has a weaved letter "C sweater and his assistants "A" on the front of their sweaters.
Further on, only the Chief Referee can say that he allows a goal. For that the puck must go completely over the goal line. The puck falls into the goal line with a hockey stick. If after a shot the puck accidentally bounces off some partner’s skate, a referee allows a goal. If the puck enters the goal line by the skate specifically, the goal is disallowed.
As for the violations of rules, such ones as a hook, an attack from behind, hitting an opponent, the hockey stick held high, delaying the game by throwing the hockey stick on the ice and a rough play or fight are taken into account. Penalties may be different, and it depends on the degree of violation of the rules: a small fine, a Bench Minor fine, a large fine, a penalty for misconduct with the right immediate replacement, removal of the game (with the right replacement after 5 minutes ) and a free throw (bullet).
Free throw (bullet) is assigned in the following cases: 1) If the defender intentionally pushed the goal; 2) Some of the players leave the penalty box not to let he opponent make a goal; 3) The player intentionally throw the hockey stick on the ice to protect the goal. According to the referee's signal, the player performing the bullet, leads the puck from central point of the goal and tries to hit them. Only the goalkeeper protects the goal at the moment.
So, as you may see, this game is not as simple as it may seem at first sight, but many people (including me) are fond of it. I hope you are also fans of this amazing game
я написла сочинение, но в принципе оно по теме а где фотка задания?
Я студентка первого курса. У меня не так много свободного времени. Моя ежедневная программа очень насыщена.
У меня только один праздник-воскресенье. Так что мне приходится заниматься шесть дней в неделю.
Мой рабочий день начинается ровно в семь, когда меня будит будильник. Очень
трудно вставать так рано, особенно зимой, когда еще темно. Я встаю и делаю утреннюю
зарядку. Потом иду в ванную, принимаю теплый душ и чищу зубы. Я возвращаюсь в свою
комнату, одеваюсь и заправляю постель.
Я завтракаю в половине восьмого. Мой завтрак очень легкий. Обычно я выпиваю чашку чая
или кофе и съедаю бутерброд. Иногда я ем яйцо или колбасу, сыр и булочку. Я выхожу из
дома без четверти восемь. Я езжу в колледж на трамвае или автобусе.
Мои уроки начинаются в пятнадцать минут девятого. У меня три или четыре месячных каждый день, так что
Каждый день я возвращаюсь домой к трем часам дня. Я ужинаю, убираю свою комнату и отдыхаю
Я читаю книги, смотрю телевизор или слушаю музыку.
В семь часов я делаю уроки. Это занимает у меня три, а иногда и четыре часа. Я не
ужинаю, но время от времени делаю короткие перерывы в занятиях и выпиваю чашку горячего
чая. Когда я заканчиваю делать уроки, я умываюсь, чищу зубы, заправляю постель и ложусь
Hockey is a game played only in winter. Now I will try to tell you about this game in details. We need an area for the game, which is well covered with ice. To play hockey you need sharpened skates, pucks and hockey sticks. The players are divided into two teams with a goalkeeper in each team. Then the game begins. You are to throw the puck into the opponent's gate. The hockey game time is divided into three periods with each period usually lasting 20 minutes. There are two breaks in the match.
Now I will tell you about other rules of the game. The referee watches as the game goes, punishes for the violations, and does not give any privileges to either of the teams. The game begins after throwing out the puck and the referee's whistle. The puck is a flat hard disk. Hockey players are forbidden to touch the puck until it touches the ice. The hockey stick consists of a hook and a handle. Sticks are made of wood and other materials.
The hockey uniform consists of sweaters, breeches and a headgear (it also performs a protective function). Each player has a certain number on his sweater. The uniform of each team should be contrast because, otherwise, many problems may appear. More interesting is that the captain of the team has a weaved letter "C sweater and his assistants "A" on the front of their sweaters.
Further on, only the Chief Referee can say that he allows a goal. For that the puck must go completely over the goal line. The puck falls into the goal line with a hockey stick. If after a shot the puck accidentally bounces off some partner’s skate, a referee allows a goal. If the puck enters the goal line by the skate specifically, the goal is disallowed.
As for the violations of rules, such ones as a hook, an attack from behind, hitting an opponent, the hockey stick held high, delaying the game by throwing the hockey stick on the ice and a rough play or fight are taken into account. Penalties may be different, and it depends on the degree of violation of the rules: a small fine, a Bench Minor fine, a large fine, a penalty for misconduct with the right immediate replacement, removal of the game (with the right replacement after 5 minutes ) and a free throw (bullet).
Free throw (bullet) is assigned in the following cases: 1) If the defender intentionally pushed the goal; 2) Some of the players leave the penalty box not to let he opponent make a goal; 3) The player intentionally throw the hockey stick on the ice to protect the goal. According to the referee's signal, the player performing the bullet, leads the puck from central point of the goal and tries to hit them. Only the goalkeeper protects the goal at the moment.
So, as you may see, this game is not as simple as it may seem at first sight, but many people (including me) are fond of it. I hope you are also fans of this amazing game
я написла сочинение, но в принципе оно по теме а где фотка задания?