В нашей семье нас четверо, папа, мама, я и младший брат. Моего папу зовут Владимир, он водитель автобуса. Мою маму зовут Наталья, она учитель в детском саду. Меня зовут Александр, я учусь в 5-м классе и хожу в музыкальную школу. Моего младшего брата зовут Андрей, он учится в первом классе. Я всегда делать ему домашнюю работу и слежу за ним пока мама с папой на работе. Мы любим играть в мяч и смотреть мультфильмы. Мы ходим на рыбалку вместе с папой. После мама готовит вкусный рыбный суп. Если у нас есть свободное время, мы всегда проводим его вместе. Мы любим ходить в кино и гулять в парке. Летом мы ездим на речку купаемся или ходим в лес за грибами и ягодами. Зимой мы ходим кататься на лыжах и коньках. Мой брат и я всегда нашим родителям. Мы моем посуду и пометаем пол. Более того, мы убираем свои комнаты самостоятельно. Наши родители самые лучшие! Наша семья единая, сплочённая и счастливая!
1. Last year we were supposed to get new equipment, but the company went bankrupt and could not pay for it. Mark could not have known about this. We wanted him to make an appointment with the new sponsors for us on Friday. But he did not expect that he would be collected in the head office and did not call us back. 2. The doctor examined the girl and realized that she could not speak after such stress. “She should stay in the hospital. Listening to classical music will help reduce her stress levels, ”he concluded. 3. Our parents did not expect us to suspend the construction of the house. Mike was offered to go abroad on a business trip. He couldn't refuse. 4. My sister is very fond of watching horror movies. She wants me to join her hobby so we can watch them together. But I can’t do it, I would like her to change her views about cinema. 5. She must work hard so that she can eat an apartment in such an expensive city as ours.
После мама готовит вкусный рыбный суп. Если у нас есть свободное время, мы всегда проводим его вместе. Мы любим ходить в кино и гулять в парке. Летом мы ездим на речку купаемся или ходим в лес за грибами и ягодами. Зимой мы ходим кататься на лыжах и коньках. Мой брат и я всегда нашим родителям. Мы моем посуду и пометаем пол.
Более того, мы убираем свои комнаты самостоятельно. Наши родители самые лучшие! Наша семья единая, сплочённая и счастливая!
1. Last year we were supposed to get new equipment, but the company went bankrupt and could not pay for it. Mark could not have known about this. We wanted him to make an appointment with the new sponsors for us on Friday. But he did not expect that he would be collected in the head office and did not call us back. 2. The doctor examined the girl and realized that she could not speak after such stress. “She should stay in the hospital. Listening to classical music will help reduce her stress levels, ”he concluded. 3. Our parents did not expect us to suspend the construction of the house. Mike was offered to go abroad on a business trip. He couldn't refuse. 4. My sister is very fond of watching horror movies. She wants me to join her hobby so we can watch them together. But I can’t do it, I would like her to change her views about cinema. 5. She must work hard so that she can eat an apartment in such an expensive city as ours.