Любой текст?Если да,то лови I really like holiday, because on holiday I can do the things,I want to do,I can relax, I can go for walks and etc. I especially love the summer holidays, because they are the longest. On s.h. I usually go to a sea, visit my grandparents, spend my time with my friends and just enjoy warm days. So I love holidays and I always wait for them.
Я люблю лето. Ведь летом самые длинные каникулы. На каникулах можно хорошо отдохнуть от занятий в школе. Например сходить на речку или поехать на море.Каникулы-это здорово. Дети, уставшие от школьных будней, от домашней работы могут выспаться и отдохнуть. Можно посетить много красивых мест нашего города. Например я на каникулах, ходил в Эрмитаж и увидел там много интересных экспонатов. Конечно же я ходил не один, а с моими друзьями. Также мы гуляли на улице, ведь в весенние каникулы погода налаживается и начинает светить солнце. Несмотря на то, что каникулы длились всего недели, я успел отлично отдохнуть и посетить несколько музеев. Как хорошо, что есть каникулы.I love the summer. After the summer the longest vacation. On vacation you can relax from school. For example to go to the river or to go to sea.Vacation is great. The children, tired of the school routine, homework can sleep and rest. You can visit many beautiful places of our city. For example I'm on vacation, went to the Hermitage and saw many interesting exhibits. Of course I went with my friends. We also walked on the street, because in spring break the weather was improving and the sun begins to Shine. Despite the fact that the break lasted the entire week, I had a good rest and visit some museums. As well, there is vacation.an essay on a vacation
I really like holiday, because on holiday I can do the things,I want to do,I can relax, I can go for walks and etc.
I especially love the summer holidays, because they are the longest. On s.h. I usually go to a sea, visit my grandparents, spend my time with my friends and just enjoy warm days.
So I love holidays and I always wait for them.