1.Коллективизация (формы и методы ее осуществления) привела к трагедии в 1931 – 1933 гг.: в казахской степи разразился голод, приведший к массовым смертям и эпидемиям.
2.Ни Казкрайком, ни правительство республики, ни местные партийные и советские органы ничего не сделали для того, чтобы предупредить эту трагедию и обеспечить умирающее население продовольствием.
3. Во многих исследованиях зарубежных и казахстанских авторов коллективизацию, проведенную Советской властью, называют геноцидом.
4. Академик М. Козыбаев и другие отмечали, что в целом в результате голода, холода и эпидемий (тиф, холера и др.) в Казахстане вымерло около 2 млн. 100 тыс. казахов, что составило 49% от общей численности всего казахского населения.
5. Восстановить свою численность (как до коллективизации) казахам удалось лишь в 1969 г.
1. He was forced to admit that many years have passed since then, as he took leave. 2. They adored this child. He was their solace from the moment I was born.3. Her thoughts were still about his mother. She hasn't seen her since then, Irina has gone to London. She not only gave her and her brother the love and support, but always inspired them to achieve all desires. She was always their mother and father.4. She complained that as she knew her husband, he was always a workaholic.5. Oksana knew the poem by heart, as the mother taught her many years ago. And all this time it was in her memory (tostayinthemind). 6. He announced that he was in love with her since he first saw her.7.
It was clear that my mother did not have a minute of rest, since we got two puppies and a cat. 8. She was very sorry she for many years was not in the town where she was born.9. His English was perfectly (flawless). He was raised and educated in England ever since his family moved there. 10. He looked like a man who just received a million dollars.
1.Коллективизация (формы и методы ее осуществления) привела к трагедии в 1931 – 1933 гг.: в казахской степи разразился голод, приведший к массовым смертям и эпидемиям.
2.Ни Казкрайком, ни правительство республики, ни местные партийные и советские органы ничего не сделали для того, чтобы предупредить эту трагедию и обеспечить умирающее население продовольствием.
3. Во многих исследованиях зарубежных и казахстанских авторов коллективизацию, проведенную Советской властью, называют геноцидом.
4. Академик М. Козыбаев и другие отмечали, что в целом в результате голода, холода и эпидемий (тиф, холера и др.) в Казахстане вымерло около 2 млн. 100 тыс. казахов, что составило 49% от общей численности всего казахского населения.
5. Восстановить свою численность (как до коллективизации) казахам удалось лишь в 1969 г.
They adored this child. He was their solace from the moment I was born.3.
Her thoughts were still about his mother. She hasn't seen her since then, Irina has gone to London.
She not only gave her and her brother the love and support, but always inspired them to achieve all desires. She was always their mother and father.4.
She complained that as she knew her husband, he was always a workaholic.5.
Oksana knew the poem by heart, as the mother taught her many years ago. And all this time it was in her memory (tostayinthemind).
He announced that he was in love with her since he first saw her.7.
It was clear that my mother did not have a minute of rest, since we got two puppies and a cat.
She was very sorry she for many years was not in the town where she was born.9.
His English was perfectly (flawless). He was raised and educated in England ever since his family moved there.
He looked like a man who just received a million dollars.