Our land - a unique planet in the universe, our only home. Everyone should care about the environment and do not rely on the other. This is how to wash their dishes, should get into the habit. Ochen' mnogiye lyudi zanyaty svoimi povsednevnymi problemami, oni ne obrashchayut vnimaniya na to, chto darit im zhizn', oni zabotyatsya o sebe, zabyvaya o zemle, kotoraya dayet im zhizn'. Segodnya mozhno uvidet' primery bezotvetstvennogo otnosheniya lyudey k svoyemu domu, a tochneye k planete zemlya. Ogromnyye musornyye svalki, zagryaznennyye reki, ozera, morya. Razve priyatno zhit' sredi vsego etogo? Interesno, chto budet dal'she. Skol'ko vsego interesnogo i udivitel'nogo yest' na zemle, skol'ko chelovek ne izuchayet yeye vekami, ona po-prezhnemu khranit v sebe mnogochislennyye tayny i zagadki. V sovremennom mire ochen' vazhno nauchitsya tsenit' zemlyu, oberegat' yeye, zabotit'sya o ney. Mnogiye lyudi starayutsya sdelat' svoye zhil'ye boleye komfortnym, chistym, akkuratnym, i pri etom zabyvayut o tom, chto zhivut oni na planete zemlya, kotoruyu takzhe nuzhno lyubit' i o kotoroy takzhe nuzhno zabotit'sya. V blizhaysheye neskol'ko desyatiletiy lyudi dolzhny budut p
1 My Australian cousins are coming to Russia next month! 2 Turn left at the post office, then go straight on. 3 There weren't any chairs, so we had to sit on the floor. 4 The TV's in the corner of the room. 5 There's a photo of the author on the back cover of the book. 6 We should arrive in Paris at six in the morning. 7 Could you go out of the room for a moment, please? 8 Walk to the station, but turn left a couple of blocks before you get there. 9 I'll meet you at the corner of your street. 10 There should be a broom at the back of the cupboard, somewhere. 11 They should arrive at the airport in about an hour. 12 The CD should be next to the CD player.
Ochen' mnogiye lyudi zanyaty svoimi povsednevnymi problemami, oni ne obrashchayut vnimaniya na to, chto darit im zhizn', oni zabotyatsya o sebe, zabyvaya o zemle, kotoraya dayet im zhizn'. Segodnya mozhno uvidet' primery bezotvetstvennogo otnosheniya lyudey k svoyemu domu, a tochneye k planete zemlya. Ogromnyye musornyye svalki, zagryaznennyye reki, ozera, morya. Razve priyatno zhit' sredi vsego etogo? Interesno, chto budet dal'she. Skol'ko vsego interesnogo i udivitel'nogo yest' na zemle, skol'ko chelovek ne izuchayet yeye vekami, ona po-prezhnemu khranit v sebe mnogochislennyye tayny i zagadki. V sovremennom mire ochen' vazhno nauchitsya tsenit' zemlyu, oberegat' yeye, zabotit'sya o ney. Mnogiye lyudi starayutsya sdelat' svoye zhil'ye boleye komfortnym, chistym, akkuratnym, i pri etom zabyvayut o tom, chto zhivut oni na planete zemlya, kotoruyu takzhe nuzhno lyubit' i o kotoroy takzhe nuzhno zabotit'sya. V blizhaysheye neskol'ko desyatiletiy lyudi dolzhny budut p
2 Turn left at the post office, then go straight on.
3 There weren't any chairs, so we had to sit on the floor.
4 The TV's in the corner of the room.
5 There's a photo of the author on the back cover of the book.
6 We should arrive in Paris at six in the morning.
7 Could you go out of the room for a moment, please?
8 Walk to the station, but turn left a couple of blocks before you get there.
9 I'll meet you at the corner of your street.
10 There should be a broom at the back of the cupboard, somewhere.
11 They should arrive at the airport in about an hour.
12 The CD should be next to the CD player.