1. Looking at the picture and thinking, I suggested that this is the ability to cope with the technique at work. But after reading, the text realized that we were talking about work. Portfolio work in which there is no employer and no power over you.
2. In production, in a consulting company, in the field of education and medicine it is possible in the service sector.
3. There is no permanent employer, no power, no need to work every day and get up early, but will there be constant stress whether the work that can be done will be written down and planned a lot every minute.
1. Looking at the picture and thinking, I suggested that this is the ability to cope with the technique at work. But after reading, the text realized that we were talking about work. Portfolio work in which there is no employer and no power over you.
2. In production, in a consulting company, in the field of education and medicine it is possible in the service sector.
3. There is no permanent employer, no power, no need to work every day and get up early, but will there be constant stress whether the work that can be done will be written down and planned a lot every minute.
1 Unless we spend more money on advertising, no one will know about our new product.
2 If I knew your email address, I would write to you, but I don’t.
3 If you buy this one, you will get) an extra one for free.
4 If I bought this one, would you give me a two-year guarantee?
5 If you promote our product, we will pay you a million dollars.
6 What would happen to our sales if we used posters to advertise?
7 If we raise money for charity, it will be good for the company’s image.
8 What will you do if they don’t buy your product any more?