сделать задания. Упражнение 1. Подберите вопросительное слово.
How How often (2) How well What What colour When Where Who Why
1. ……….. did you spend your summer holidays? — In the country.
2. ……….. is your new ball? — It’s red and white.
3. ……….. did you go there in June? — Because my parents had their holidays in June.
4. ………… was with you? — My grandparents were.
5. ……….. did they make friends? — When they were ten.
6. ………… do you go to the mountains? — We go there every summer.
7. ………… can you play the game? — Very well.
8. ………… do little children like to do? — They like to play hide-and-seek.
9. ………… do you have parties? — Once a month.
10. …………. do you spell your last name (фамилию)? B-E-L-O-V.
Упражнение 2. Задайте альтернативный вопрос.
1. They play tennis every Sunday.
2. She swam in the river in summer.
3. The boys will ride bicycles this evening.
4. The children are making noise.
5. He has spent his time very well.
Упражнение 3. Задайте специальный вопрос к выделенному слову, используя вопросительные слова Where, When, What, How many, Why, и др.
l. They finished their work at 5 o’clock.
2. It rained yesterday.
3. It will snow next month.
4. He has always wanted to visit that museum.
5.There are mushrooms in the forest in summer.
6. There will be no leaves in the trees in autumn.
7. He has translated two texts.
8. He had translated three poems by that time.
9. He is always late because he doesn’t want to get up early.
10. He’s in Germany now.
Упражнение 4. Выберите из правой колонки верное окончание разделительного вопроса. Переведите вопросы.
Например: 1 – е (Она необщительна, не так ли?)
She isn’t sociable, a. mustn’t they?
Mark was satisfied, b. do they?
Your kids never argue with you, c. didn’t she?
Let’s dance, d. do you?
Tom can dive well, e. is she?
Our partners must keep their word, f. won’t it?
Helen has washed up, g. doesn’t she?
You don’t trust me, h. wasn’t he?
Your mum works as an accountant, i. hasn’t she?
It will be cloudy tomorrow, j. did they?
Betty found a new job, k. can’t he?
They didn’t sell their car, l. shall we?
Упражнение 5. Задайте вопросы к подлежащему.
1. My father works as a driver.
2. The book lies on the table.
3. My bag fell on the floor.
4. We live in Moscow.
Shopping is an opportunity to buy everything what we need, from food to clothes. When we do the shopping we get to know a lot of information about different goods, their prices, quality. We learn to choose products, to spend money rationally. Someone will say that shopping is an original way of spending free time. Someone will say that it's a forced waste of money. Today, shopping is a means of our existence and living.
It’s a so called exchange of money for any kinds of goods (from pins to vehicles). Thus, if you want to live in this world shopping is a real necessity for you. Everyone does the shopping: from the poor to a millionaire.
Всегда предупреждайте близких, куда идете.
Не ходите в одиночестве по темных улицах. Выйдите на светлую сторону дороги.
Не надевайте драгоценности, если собираетесь поздно возвращаться домой.
Если к вам подошли незнакомцы и просят провести на какую-то улицу, объясните, как туда дойти, но не провожайте.
Не вешайте ключи на ремне или на шее.
Если за вами кто-то идет или преследует, зайдите в супермаркет или другое общественное место, где можно затеряться.
Не идите с незнакомыми людьми, если вам обещают что-то показать или дать деньги за доставленный багаж.
В общественных местах не стоит кричать, привлекать внимание. Соблюдайте порядок.
Не участвуйте в несанкционированных акциях и не вступайте в перепалки.
Не распивайте спиртные напитки и не курите в общественных местах и на остановках.
людям преклонного возраста и детям.
Берегите государственное имущество, не бейте витрины и не нарушайте целостность зданий.