There are many different kinds of travel. Some of them are travel abroad and in their country. Many people travel abroad very often because it is entertaining and informative. But not everyone can efford to travel abroad because it is too expencive.
Because of that some people prefer a yometravel. It is also very fascinating. Travelling on his own country gives the opportunity to learn more about the the history and culture of their Motherland. But unfortunately the russian tourism has disadvantages. There are low maintenance, problems with roads, polluted beaches overpriced.
As for me, I prefer to travel abroad as well as for my country.
Общий вопрос - general
1. Вспом. глагол – 2. Подлежащее (кто/что) – 3. Смысловой глагол (в нужной форме) – 4. Дополнение
В I части все как в утверждении: подлежащее-глагол в нужной форме-дополнение. Во II части используется вс глагол указанного в первой части времени.
Специальный вопрос - special
1. Вопросит. слово – 2. Вспом. глагол – 3 Подлежащее – 4. Смысловой глагол – 5. Дополнение
when – когда
where – где, откуда
why – почему
how – как
which – какой, который
Вопрос с OR (или) его еще называют alternative question
Порядок слов такой же, как и в общем вопросе, но в какой-то части обязательно нужно предложить альтернативу.
Вопрос со словом Who (What) т.е. вопрос для подлежащего(question to subject) 1. Who/What – 2. Смысловой глагол – 3. ДополнениеThere are many different kinds of travel. Some of them are travel abroad and in their country. Many people travel abroad very often because it is entertaining and informative. But not everyone can efford to travel abroad because it is too expencive.
Because of that some people prefer a yometravel. It is also very fascinating. Travelling on his own country gives the opportunity to learn more about the the history and culture of their Motherland. But unfortunately the russian tourism has disadvantages. There are low maintenance, problems with roads, polluted beaches overpriced.
As for me, I prefer to travel abroad as well as for my country.