СДЕЛАЙТЕ ОЧЕНЬ ВАС НЕ ЗНАЮ КАК А ЧЕРЕЗ 30 МИНУТ СДАВАТЬ! ТОЛЬКО ПРАВИЛЬНО !В задании нужно выбрать слово, которое лучше всего подходит по смыслу. Записываете 7а, 8с Задание на фото
They (the drink) tea when I (come) home. 2. He (went) down the river when the boat (floated). 3. The old man (thought) about his plan when he slept at night. 4. We (streaming) to an interesting lecture yesterday. 5. When I (came) in the class, the teacher (written) words on the board ADN students (for rewriting) them in their training - books. 6. They are (were) ready to go when (started) rain. 7. Yesterday at 1:00 I (ate) lunch in the dining room. 8. When he (came), I (did) my exercises. 9. What you (do) at eight o'clock yesterday? 10. At this time yesterday I (went) home.
Читайте книги они подскажут ,утешут,и даже развесилят.!Кника единственный друг который тебя не покинет. Английский. I love reading books. It's fun and exciting! Everyone has their own taste in Knick, Cumuto like fontastika and Cumuto dotektiv ... I believe that it is better to read a book than watch TV. Books are the best friends, They can learn a lot of new and interesting . those people who read them and chat drugoe.A horizons and those who do not read are poorly written and generally dictated baud ПРОСТИ ,НО МОЖЕТ БЫТЬ НЕ ПРАВИЛЬНО :И ЕСЛИ НЕ СЛОЖНО ПОСТАВЬТЕ КЛАСС ИЛИ ЛУЧШИЙ
I love reading books. It's fun and exciting! Everyone has their own taste in Knick, Cumuto like fontastika and Cumuto dotektiv ... I believe that it is better to read a book than watch TV. Books are the best friends, They can learn a lot of new and interesting . those people who read them and chat drugoe.A horizons and those who do not read are poorly written and generally dictated baud