Сделайте перевод на текст ray douglas bradbury one of the most famous modern science fiction writers. he himself however, prefers to call himself the future-teller" or"the wizard" r bradbury was born on august 20, 1920 in greentown, usa his family was poor and he couldn't afford buying books. once at the age of 12 he wrote his own continuation of the book"the martian warrior" by e.barrouse bradbury loves books and hates those who do not. in 1951 he wrote one of the greatest novels, his famous"fahrenheit 451" about a new, "sick" society with its cruel anti-human laws, which consists of immoral and empty people, who burn great books, the spiritual treasures of mankind and suppress individuals who want to save their human dignity. but ray bradbury is an optimist and he finishes the novel with the ray of hope the human beings will win in their struggle against the immorality his other great works are about the people exploring space, new planets, about a nuclear war on the earth, about death and life all his books make us think about our present and future, about our lives and the great planet earth we live on"no death and let's choose life and light!