Сделайте перевод текста )) the animal life of the british isles is now much poorer than it was a few centuries ago/ with the disappearanse of forests, many forest animals, including the wolf, the boar, the bear, the deer and the irish elk, have become practically extinct. there are foxes in most rural areas, and otters are found along many rivers and streams. of smaller animals there are mice, rats, hedgehogs, moles, squirrels, hares, rabbitts, and weasels. there are a lot of birds, including many song-birds. blackbirds, sparrows and starlings are probably most common. there are many sea-birds, which nest round the coasts and often fly far inland in search of food or shealter in rough weather.
Есть много птиц, в том числе многих певчих птиц. Дрозды, воробьи и скворцы,являются, вероятно, наиболее распространёнными. Есть много морских птиц, которые гнездятся вокруг побережья и часто летать далеко в глубь континента в поисках пищи в штормоую погоду