Сделайте вопросы вопросительными 1) He passes some exams to enter the University.
2) There are some industrial plants where the computers use for control.
3) Engineers work with some electrical devices.
4) Give me something to fill my paper out.
5) I met that safety engineer somewhere before,
6) Someone left the switched light on in the office yesterday.
7) There are some engineering branches current importance.
8) Some mechanical engineers specialize in particular types of machine,
9) Electronic engineer designs circuits to perform some specific tasks.
10) We have some new equipment to improve the quality of their work.
2. It's eight o'clock already.
3. There are seven students in this group.
4. Read the fourth text.
5. You have a mistake in third sentence.
6. Do the twenty second task.
7. You must do the first exercise orally, and second one in written form.
8. Second is company, and third is a crowd.
9. The information is in the eleventh file.
10. They got a new flat on sixty eighth Street.
11. It is their eleventh anniversary today.
12. Five years later he became the manager of the firm.
13. The temperature today is twenty degrees below zero.
14. She was like the second mother to me.
ll. Would you like a second cup of tea? - No more, thank you.
16. The score of the match was four:zero.
2) He hasn't got a car.
3) Is his car in Australia?
4) Give me your car.
5) I can't give you my car.
6) Take her car.
7) I can't see them.
8) Is their car in Australia?
9) They don't give us their cars.
10) Does this child like its dog?
11) I want to visit my friend in Australia.
12) open your bags.
13) Give her her passport.
14) Give him his passport.
15) Give us our passports.
16) Give them their passports.
17) Is his wife my friend?
18) Her brother is their friend.
19) Is it his car?
20) Show me your passport.
21) Show him their passports.
22) Show us your passports.
23) Show them our passports.
24) Show her his passport.