In view of cthulhu in different parts of the body is like an octopus, a dragon, and the man, according to the bas-relief by anthony wilcox, the hero of "call of cthulhu", and mysterious ancient carved image of the story, the monster has a head c tentacles humanoid body, covered with scales and a pair of rudimentary wings. description of the fictional magazine gustaf johansen adds that living cthulhu squelching and expire mucus when driving, and his body is green, gelatinous and miraculously regenerates the observed speed. exact its growth is not indicated; johansen likened monster "walking mountain" greater than "the legendary cyclops"; cthulhu (sailing or walking along the bottom) "uplift a broad-over impure foam as demonic galleon feed."
Ya Well, I'm all for it. How did you discover the term "Ecology"? Ouch. I have been influenced by nature and all that it pollutes and purifies! Ya you have scientific work on "the Biogenetic law" tell us about it! Ouch. Biogenetic law of development of the embryo repeats the stages of development of ancestors. This law was criticized by many people, but they were wrong. Ya What are you more interested in? Ouch. I was interested in the study of wildlife, primarily Zoology and comparative microscopic anatomy. Ya you have the inspiration because of which you became a scientist? Ouch. Yes, It is Hermann Albers, I opened my eyes to this world.Thanks to him I became a scientist.