Sea Under the dear blue sea, there are beautiful underwater cities that are rich in life. They have been around for millions of years and they are communities of ocean creatures that live together in coral reefs Coral looks like rock, but it is actually a huge collection of tiny dear animals called coral polyps The bright colour of coral comes from tiny sea plants called algae, Coral and algae depend on each other to live, Coral may feel tough but it's very sensitive. Today, many coral reefs are dying and there are many reasons why, First of all, the oceans are getting warmer. This kills the algae and so the coral reefs lose their colour and food. Water pollution, fishing with dynamite as well as the careless collection of coral also hurt coral reefs. If we don't take action, all the reefs will die in around 20 years. This will lead thousands of sea creatures to extinction. We can help save the world's coral reefs by joining an environmental organization like Reef Relief. It's worth a try! 1 Coral reefs are... a islands. b towns. Cocean communities. 2 Coral is... a hard. bsoft. C blue, 3 Coral polyps are... a huge plants. b sensitive creatures. c bright-coloured algae. 4 Coral reefs die because... a algae lose their colour. b people fish them. c the oceans' temperature increases.
1)Cricket matches are played on an oval grass field, in the center of which is a pitch-an earthen rectangle of about 3x20 meters. At the ends of this platform there are special zones (crises) with wooden gates. To play cricket you need two teams of 11 participants
2)Amateur cricket has the same rules as professional cricket. An ordinary Amateur cricket match is played on the village green — an open space in the centre of the village. Cricket is played by two teams — a team of villagers and a team of visitors from another village.
1)Матчи по крикету проводят на овальном травяном поле, в центре которого располагается питч – земляной прямоугольник примерно 3х20 метров. В торцах этой площадки находятся специальные зоны (кризы) с деревянными калитками. Для игры в крикет нужны две команды по 11 участников
2)Любительский крикет имеет те же правила, что и профессиональный. Обычный любительский матч крикета проходит на деревенской лужайке — открытом месте в центре деревни. В крикет играют две команды — команда жителей деревни и команда гостей из другой деревни.
The Russian Federation Ranks first in the world in terms of territory, sixth in terms of volume, and ninth in terms of Moscow. The official language is Russian.Russia has 25 borders (18 land and 7 sea).Land border
Norway, Finland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Belarus, Ukraine, Georgia, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, China, Mongolia, North Korea, Republic of Abkhazia, South Ossetia, DPR, LPR.
Maritime borders: Romania, Turkey, Bulgaria, Iran, Turkmenistan, Japan, USA.More than 70 % of the territory of Russia is occupied by plains and lowlands. The Western part of the country is located within the vast Eastern European plain, characterized by alternating lowlands and hills
Росси́йская Федера́ция Занимает первое место в мире по территории, шестое — по объёму, и девятое — по численности населения.Столица — Москва. Государственный язык — русский.Россия имеет 25 границ (18 сухопутных и 7 морских).Сухопутные границы
Норвегия, Финляндия, Эстония, Латвия, Литва, Польша, Белоруссия, Украина, Грузия, Азербайджан, Казахстан, Китай, Монголия, КНДР, Республика Абхазия, Южная Осетия, ДНР, ЛНР.
Морские границы: Румыния, Турция, Болгария, Иран, Туркмения, Япония, США.Более 70 % территории России занято равнинами и низменностями. Западная часть страны находится в пределах обширной Восточно-Европейской равнины, характеризующейся чередованием низменностей и возвышенностей
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