SELIVEWORKSHEETS 5. The reporters search for interesting stories.
6. Graphic artists create charts and diagrams to accompany the stories.
7. Copy editors convert electronic files into finished newspapers.
8. Journalists take pictures to accompany the stories.
- Good afternoon. «Tower Investment Bank». May I help you?
- Hi. I would like to talk to Mr. Clinton from the accounting department, please.
- May I ask you who is calling?
- My name is Bruno Ponti. I’m calling from an advertising agency.
- Thank you, Mr. Ponti. Just a moment, please. Let me check if Mr. Clinton is in his office.
- Sure.
- Thank you for waiting. I’m sorry but Mr. Clinton isn’t available at the moment. Would you like to leave a message or shall I ask him to call you back? Does he have your number?
- I believe he does. But I can give it to you, just in case.
- All right. Go ahead, please.
- My number is 046 78345.
- OK. And would you mind repeating your name?
- Sure. Bruno Ponti. I can spell it: B-R-U-N-O P-O-N-T-I.
- Thank you, Mr. Ponti. I’ll ask Mr. Clinton to call you back as soon as possible today.
- Thanks a lot. Bye.
Положите 350 г творога в миску и разомните его. Добавьте к творогу 2 яйца, 2 столовые ложки сахара и все перемешайте. Теперь добавьте 5 столовых ложек муки и опять перемешайте. Поставьте сковородку на средний огонь и налейте подсолнечное масло в нее. Насыпьте на тарелку немного муки. Слепите небольшие шарики и положите их на тарелку. Теперь раскайте из шариков небольшие небольшие лепешки и кладите их на сковородку. Жарьте сырники 1–2 минуты пока не повится золотистой корочка. Затем переверните их на другую сторону и также обжарьте. Приятного аппетита!