My day i usually wake up around six o'clock in the morning and once i get out of bed. in the mornings i usually take a shower and a bath in the evenings . i'm making a very strong coffee and sit in the kitchen with newspapers and magazines. i love reading them , i like to find out what pleases the people and their sad that their angry and surprised . at 8: 30 i start to bring the house in order , because the housekeeper comes in 9: 00 , and i'm too educated to leave the house in a mess. i finish everything before she arrives. then i get in the car , and at 9: 30 i was in the office. my secretary emma thompson also comes at this time. and that now begins the real life . emma - a charming woman , very energetic and dominant in nature. my sister said that in a past life emma was a sergeant . she used to say , "mr. carter, you have to sign it , accept it , stop it , and so on ." and if it starts to command too (to get bossy), i say, " emma , we meet in an hour ." my work day ends at 6: 00 pm . in the evening, i can do whatever i want. sometimes i wind chayus with friends, go to the theater , visit my parents. sometimes i spend a quiet evening at home : watch tv, read a book.
Charlie chaplin was born on april 16, 1889 in london, at 8: 00 pm, on east street lane, near walworth family of artists in the music hall. shortly after his birth the family moved to west square, on st. george's road, lambeth. his parents - charles spencer chaplin sr. and hannah chaplin (on stage lily gurley) - were actors variety art. the mother spoke with songs and dances at various theaters, including entreprise known composers, writers of popular operettas - gilbert and sullivan. чарли чаплин родился 16 апреля 1889 года в лондоне, в 8 часов вечера, на улице ист-лэйн, в районе уолворта в семье артистов мюзик-холла. вскоре после его рождения семья переехала на уэст-сквер, по сент-джордж-роуд, в лэмбете. его родители — чарльз спенсер чаплин-старший и ханна чаплин (по сцене лили герли) — были эстрадными актёрами. мать выступала с песнями и танцами в различных театрах, в том числе в антрепризе известных композиторов, авторов популярных оперетт — гилберта и салливена.