Шірман болады. ин кітаптары» бөліміне қанша оқырма 3. Сызбалар бо абалар бойынша есептер құрастырып, оларды шығар а) 250 кітап 200 кітап ? нешеуі артық 145 кітап 3 есе артық
Good health is very important for every person. The best way to stay healthy is to do regular morning exercise, to eat healthy products, to sleep at least 8 hours a day and to quit bad habits. The good thing is that people are becoming more health-conscious. To my mind, one of the best ways to stay healthy and fit is to go in for various sports. My favourite sport is swimming. I spend a lot of time in the swimming-pool. I think it revitalizes my body and gives me energy for the whole day. Other sports I enjoy are cross-country skiing and figure-skating. To stay healthy, it is also important to spend lots of time in the open air. It is especially useful to go for a walk before going to bed.
Amazing Australia! First of all I would like to visit Sydney. because it is the largest and most beautiful city in Australia. Its famous theatre is called a masterpiece of the 20th century.Olimpic Games were held in Sydney in 2000. It is surrounded by national parks with wonderful nature. Tourists can enjoy watching different strange animals in the oldest Sydney's Zoo. I think I would see there a koala, a kangaroo, wombats, wild dogs dingo, a Tasman devil, black swans and other interesting animals and birds. I would visit а crocodile farm and of course I would like to visit the largest in the world Great Barrier Reaf of Australia. It's so large that can be seen from the space. There are more than 1000 kinds of exotic fish and other sea creatures can be found. Well, in my opinion it would be fun to spend some days on the ocean sandy beaches swimming and learning to serf . Then I'd visit the Holy Mount Uluru, or the city of Canberra, the capital of Australia.