She will swim/ swims in the pool tomorrow.
Matt likes to travel/ travels by coach.
You can/ can’t take photographs in museums.
Dan will visit historic/ new sites in Egypt, like the pyramids.
We can’t/ can camp here. There are wild animals nearby.
Patty likes travelling by plane/ foot because it’s fast.
Holly wants to go on a cruise/ safari to see the lions.
You can go rock climbing/ swimming in the Himalayas.
We can/ can’t buy souvenirs here. They sell mugs and caps.
Sara wants to take a cruise/ train down the river Nile.
I Like Shopping
I like shopping. When I have free time I call my friends and we go shopping or window shopping. Sometimes my mum asks me to buy milk, bread, eggs, cereals or some vegetables. Buying food isn't very interesting, but it can be fun if you do it with a few friends.
I like to shop for clothes. Usually I do it with my mum and sometimes I go with my friends. If I want to buy clothes, I need someone's advice. I enjoy wallking from one shop to another in search of a fancy dress or a blouse or stylish and comfortable shoes. I like picking the best clothes and then trying them on in fitting rooms. It is so relaxing and it distracts you from problems that you may have. I also like going to beauty shops — I always spend a lot of time there testing fragrances and different colours of lipsticks.
I Don't Like Shopping
I hate shopping, but I have to do it because we need food and clothes. I often go to buy grocery in the nearest shop. I don't like going to big stores and supermarkets because they always seem noisy and crowded, there are queues with trolleys and baskets filled to the top at cash registers and naughty kids whining and yelling in every aisle.
I don't understand people who enjoy buying clothes. As for me I only buy them when it's time to update my wardrobe. Trying on clothes is frustrating, especially when it seems like nothing fits right.
Shopping really wastes my time. The ideal kind of shopping for me is to go the the store, get what I want and leave. I prefer to spend my time on more interesting and pleasant things.
заполните таблицу. напишите по 5 примеров в каждой колонке.
1) дикие животные-тигр лев гиена волк слон
2) Домашние Животные-кошка попугай собака хомяк корова
3) морские животные-акула рыба-клоун дельфин кит тюлень
4) насекомые-многоножка муха комар таракан клещ
5) птицы-орел синица голубь сокол снегирь
fill in the table. write 5 examples in each column.
1) wild animals-tiger lion hyena wolf elephant
2) Pets-cat parrot dog hamster cow
3) sea animals-shark clown fish Dolphin whale seal
4) insects-millipede fly mosquito cockroach tick
5) birds-eagle tit dove Falcon bullfinch