Англоса́ксы (англ. Anglo-Saxons,нем. Angelsachsen, дат. Angelsakser) — историки дают это названиегерманским племенам англов исаксов, к которым примкнули и юты. Эти племена, жившие между рекамиЭльбой и Рейном (область расселения саксов) и на Ютландском полуострове (область расселения англов и ютов), в середине V века, как и многие племена Северной Европы, скорее всего, в результате климатических изменений, начали переселяться в Британию. The Anglo-Saxons (Eng. Anglo-Saxons, it. Angelsachsen, dates. Angelsakser) - historians give it nazvaniegermanskim tribes Angles Isaksen, who were supported and Utah. These tribes living between rekamiElboy and the Rhine (area of settlement of the Saxons) and on the Jutland peninsula (area of settlement of the Angles and Jutes), in the middle of the V century, and many tribes of Northern Europe, most likely as a result of climate change, began to settle in Britain.
1. The Jamaican team were excited about going to Austria because they HAVE never SEEN snow before. 2. After the holiday, he was keen to see the photos that he HAD TAKEN. 3. Anna CAME first in the school cross-country race last week. 4. I missed the first goal because by the time I got to the stadium the game Had (already) STARTED. 5. The first time I tired skiing, I found it quite easy because I DID a lot of waterskiing. 6. After the accident, I phoned Andy's parents to say that he HAD HURT his arm. 7. Manchester United WON the championship last year. 8. My brother used to love scuba-diving, but he HAD never GONE swimming on his own.
The Anglo-Saxons (Eng. Anglo-Saxons, it. Angelsachsen, dates. Angelsakser) - historians give it nazvaniegermanskim tribes Angles Isaksen, who were supported and Utah. These tribes living between rekamiElboy and the Rhine (area of settlement of the Saxons) and on the Jutland peninsula (area of settlement of the Angles and Jutes), in the middle of the V century, and many tribes of Northern Europe, most likely as a result of climate change, began to settle in Britain.
2. After the holiday, he was keen to see the photos that he HAD TAKEN.
3. Anna CAME first in the school cross-country race last week.
4. I missed the first goal because by the time I got to the stadium the game Had (already) STARTED.
5. The first time I tired skiing, I found it quite easy because I DID a lot of waterskiing.
6. After the accident, I phoned Andy's parents to say that he HAD HURT his arm.
7. Manchester United WON the championship last year.
8. My brother used to love scuba-diving, but he HAD never GONE swimming on his own.