Скласти по одному стверджувальному речені в неозначених, тривалих, доконаних часах і утворити заперечну і питальну форми від поданих з цих стверджувальних (8 речень яких вживаються ці часи стверджувальних). Составить по одному утвердительному предложению в неопределенных, длительных, свершившихся временах и образовать отрицательную и вопросительную формы от представленных из этих утвердительных (8 предложений которых употребляются эти утвердительные времена).
Their uniqueness, confidence and hard work makes them more successful. Many iconic models have their twist, for example Cara Delevinge's unique characteristic is her thick eyebrows, while Cindy Crowford's is her mole above the upper lip. Many successful models were told to remove their imperfections but instead they decided to fight the system and use them to their advantage.
However, some models take it too far. There are some dangerously overweight or skinny models that can set a bad example for young teenagers. While being unique and promoting 'body positivity' is a great thing, some iconic models should understand that many people look up to them so being too overweight or too underweight is unhealthy and can make many easily-motivated teenagers fallow the lifestyle
All english people celebrate Christmas on December, 25th. It is an annual commemoration of the birth of Jesus Christ. Preparing for the holiday begins long before December 25th. In November people choose gifts. discuss the holiday menu, send cards and prepare the house for the holiday.
At the beginning of December there is a big Christmas tree on the main square of England and it's lit by lights. All people decorate not only their houses, but the area around it. There are the figures of Father Christmas on the lawns. there are wreaths on the doors and there are lights in the windows.