I love going to the movies and watch different movies .My favorite genres-horror, this is very exciting for me ,but also I like fantasy.I like different kinds of films, because each of them is very interesting and impresses me.Horror movies, so passionately loved by many of us, are intended to scare the audience, call it fear and anxiety. In the event of these tapes is usually the expectation and excitement is accompanied by a slight turn of events, the appearance of horrible monsters or walking dead..I like horror, that some of them: Mirrors, Home on the contrary, the Chamber.These films have a lot of computer graphics and special effects.
XIII. Измените предложения, как в модели.
Модель: в их распоряжении есть и читальные залы, и большая библиотека
В их распоряжении читальные залы и большая библиотека
1. в их школе есть большой бассейн и отличные теннисные корты,
2. мы будем изучать французский и немецкий языки в Университете. 3. Они используют обе
видео-и аудиоматериалами. 3. Они будут финансировать обе библиотеки и лаборатории физики
4.в Великобритании есть как государственные, так и государственные школы. 5.Вы можете публиковать свои
статьи как в отечественных, так и в зарубежных журналах. 6. И мальчики, и девочки могут посещать этот
школы. 7. Они оба проигнорировали наши предложения и советы.
I love going to the movies and watch different movies .My favorite genres-horror, this is very exciting for me ,but also I like fantasy.I like different kinds of films, because each of them is very interesting and impresses me.Horror movies, so passionately loved by many of us, are intended to scare the audience, call it fear and anxiety. In the event of these tapes is usually the expectation and excitement is accompanied by a slight turn of events, the appearance of horrible monsters or walking dead..I like horror, that some of them: Mirrors, Home on the contrary, the Chamber.These films have a lot of computer graphics and special effects.