С древних времён на Земле жили люди.Человк - всегда стремился к инновации во всем . Если раньше человеку приходилось долго работать , чтобы создать документ , потому что он писал вручную . То теперь с компьютера и принтера можно за 15 минут создать документ. Ещё один пример- раньше людям нужно было долго стараться чтобы отправить письмо или телеграмму, но с появлением amail мы за пару мгновений можем получить или отправить письмо в любую точку мира или из любого места мира. Таких пример очень много и можно сделать вывод что человек может почти всё , если начнет думать и действовать. Текст: Since ancient times people lived on Earth. Peaple - always aspired to innovation in everything. If earlier a person had to work long to create a document, because he wrote manually. Now, using a computer and a printer, you can create a document in 15 minutes. Another example, before people had to try to send a letter or a telegram for a long time, but with the advent of amail, we can receive or send a letter to any part of the world or from anywhere in the world for a couple of moments. Such an example is very much and it can be concluded that a person can do almost anything if he starts to think and act.
Since ancient times people lived on Earth. Peaple - always aspired to innovation in everything. If earlier a person had to work long to create a document, because he wrote manually. Now, using a computer and a printer, you can create a document in 15 minutes. Another example, before people had to try to send a letter or a telegram for a long time, but with the advent of amail, we can receive or send a letter to any part of the world or from anywhere in the world for a couple of moments. Such an example is very much and it can be concluded that a person can do almost anything if he starts to think and act.