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As I am a good eater I usually have four meals a day. My mother usually cooks food for us, but at weekends and after school when I have free time and my lessons are ready I usually help my mother. We usually have meals in the kitchen or in the dining-room when we are at home.
My first meal is breakfast. I usually have breakfast at 7 o’clock in the morning. As I have lunch at school my breakfast is not big. I usually have a portion of porridge as it is very healthy and gives people much energy, and a cup of tea with a sandwich. It is usually a toast with butter.
At school I usually have lunch. I go to the school canteen and get there a salad and a glass of juice. My favourite salad consists of peas, egg, carrot, cucumber, sausage. I like peach or orange juice.
When I come home after school I usually have dinner. My mother cooks dinner and I only warm it up in the microwave. My dinner consists of the main course and the second course. The main course is usually soup. Most of all I like vegetable soup. For the second course we usually have mashed or fried potatoes with roast chicken or meatballs. Sometimes we have macaroni with sausages. As a dessert I usually have a glass of juice or an apple or other fruit. My mother usually says: “An apple a day keeps the doctor away.” I believe her and try to eat fruit and vegetables every day, especially in winter when we need more vitamins and minerals.
In the evening we usually have supper. It happens when my parents come home. Our supper is usually light. Because the doctors recommend not to eat too much when you go to bed.
2. This is a beautiful story about girl, which wanted to be on the ball. Very harmfully not go to the ball, when you really deserve this. And happiness came to Cinderella!
Came suddenly, unexpectedly! The most beautiful dress, crystal shoes, dance with prince in round of world stars. Really star ball with the world celebrity!
3. What need to talk about idea, very interesting, but not very long and boring beginning. I wasn't addicted for idea, all was very predictable.
4. I was impressed by the decorations very much. They was so big and bright, that I couldn't take eyes from them. Especially I was addicted by huge clock and coach.
5. The main characters are: Cinderella, her stepmother and her two daughters, and also, Prince.
Привет! Меня зовут ... . Сегодня я вам расскажу о моей коллекции кукол. С детства я люблю играть и нахожу в своём сказочном мире что-то волшебное. Моя любимая кукла из всей моей коллекции - это кукла Барби. Мне подарила её бабушка, когда мне было 7 лет. Моя кукла очень красивая. У неё стройная фигура, длинные волосы и симпатичное лицо. Я люблю делать разные причёски ей. У неё густые светлые волосы. Её лицо очень весёлое, у неё карие глаза, аккуратный нос, белоснежные зубы и милая улыбка. Лицо овальное и нежно - розового цвета. Тонкие руки и ноги, плоский живот - создают образ спортивной леди. Очень красиво смотрятся любые платья на этой кукле, очень мило и сказочно.