Sometimes, when be in a hurry) give) them milk and cereals. complete) each ofter. be) a happy family. after dinner, the go) do their homework and sometimes ask) for help from their parents. when finish) their homework, play) with her dolls write) in her journal. ben ride) his bike ourside walk) his dog. at a quater past ten, get ready) for bed. take) showers and they (to brush) their teeth. kiss) her children good-night and tuck) them in their little beds. sometimes read) them a bedtime story put) them to sleep right away. good night sleep) tightn, don't let the bed bugs bite!
вставте пропущенные слова! по возможности перевод текста! 30
1) They will be advised to confirm their witness's credibility by the attorney.
2) A complaint with the court is going to be filed
3) I was accused of perjury
4) Evidence is being given now by the accused
5) We were told that a statement of his own free will had been made by the accused
6) The jurors will have been directed to the jury box by 10 o'clock
7) Who have the members of the jury been discharged by?
8) Appeals to higher courts are usually sent by prison inmates.
9) I knew that our answers were being recorded by the court reporter
10) The attorney was told the eyewitness' version of the events after he had been asked twice.
11) Testimony from a very important witness has been taken
12) The suspects will be interrogated by the investigator from 9 to 11 o'clock a.m. tomorrow
To: Для кого
From: От кого
Dear Имя друга, How are you? I am well yesterday I went to the gym, where I saw a lot of new things for myself. Namely, the equipment, the trainers, the machines. I went to the trainer and he showed me how to exercise, and he told me to exercise every day, go for a morning run and eat healthy foods so I can be fit and healthy. Thanks for your attention mate, if you're interested you can come and work out with me, the gym is on: Улица
Good bye, see you soon ИМЯ ДРУГА