Sophie: Hey George, how are you? Have you
1) been / been being well? We're still on our trip in Kenya and
2) it's been / it's been beeing fantastic.
3) I 've been sitting / I've sat in a jeep for the last three hours and the
animals don't seem shy. 4) I haven't been using / I haven't used
binoculars because they come very close. Look at this photo which
5) I've been taking / I've taken from the jeep. This is such a great
experience - 6) we've had / we've been having a great time.
I don't want it to end!
Sophie: Hey George, how are you?
Have you
1) been well? We're still on our trip in Kenya and
2) it's been fantastic.
3) I 've been sitting in a jeep for the last three hours and the
animals don't seem shy.
4) I haven't used
binoculars because they come very close.
Look at this photo which
5) I've taken from the jeep. This is such a great
experience - 6) we've been having a great time.
I don't want it to end!