Сопоставьте следующие фразы. ответы запишите в формате – «цифра – буква» 1. Sam, I don't think you've met Pamela
2. I'm off now, then.
3. Hello! My name's Peter.
4. How are you doing?
5. What do you do?
6. You're from Sweden, aren't you?
7. It was nice seeing you.
8. Take care.
9. How do you do?
10. Please give my regards to your family
a. How do you do?
b. Doing fine, thanks. And you?
c. I'm an engineer.
d. Bye, Paul. See you soon.
e. Hello. Pleased to meet you.
f. And give my regards to yours.
g. Hello. Nice to meet you. I'm Julia.
h. Yes, that's right.
i. I'm glad you could come.
j. Thanks, I will.
Переведите письменно на английский язык один из следующих диалогов (на выбор)
- Здравствуй, Джейн!
- Здравствуй, Кейт!
- Рада тебя видеть.
- Взаимно.
- Как дела?
, не на что . А у тебя?
, неплохо. Извини, я должна бежать. Рада была тебя увидеть. Передавай привет
своей семье.
, и ты тоже. Хороших выходных. Не пропадай.
. Увидимся.
- Мистер Петров, разрешите представить вам моего друга и коллегу мистера Ховарда.
- Приятно познакомиться.
- Взаимно.
- Извините, приятно было с вами говорить, но я должен идти.
Прекрасная была вечеринка .
за то, что пришли. Надеюсь, Вы получили удовольствие.
До свидания. Берегите себя.
. До свидания.
- Извините, здесь занято?
- Нет, сейчас я уберу сумку со стула.
- Я мог Вас видеть раньше?
- Я думаю, нет.
- Тогда разрешите представиться, меня зовут Ник.
- Приятно познакомиться, я- Джейн.
- Прекрасная вечеринка, не так ли? Откуда вы знаете хозяев?
- Мы живем по соседству. А Вы?
- Мы вместе работаем.
1. Do not forget that at half-past four we have a meeting. 2. It's late, I have to go home. 3. I can give you this book on Saturday. 4. It is clear as a day that he is wrong. 5. I want to buy a new (wrist) watch because my watch goes wrong all the time. 6. I think my watch is in a hurry. There are six on your watch, and on my ten minutes past seven. 7. The train is three hours late. 8. Can you get this book by Friday? 9. So late? Then turned off the radio. It's time to go to bed. 10. Who are you waiting for? - Katya. She never comes at the appointed time and always finds an excuse. 11. I want to put my watch on yours. Where are they? "Here they are, on the desk." 12. Today he responds better than usual. 13. I hope to see him in a day or two. 14. Something happened to my watch, I have to give it to the repair. 15. Ring me to (from) two to three. 16. Please take a look at the clock. What time is it on your watch? "My watch is not right, they are in a hurry." Where is your watch? - On the table. "They're doing the right thing, are not they? "I'm afraid they're falling behind, as always." My watch is half past eight. We must hurry up. 17. My watch does not go. "What happened?" - I dont know. 18. Turn on the radio, please. I want to put the clock on the radio. 19. It's already five to seven. Where's Petya? The show starts at exactly seven. -Do not worry. Petya always comes on time. 20. I have a day off today, and I want to prepare a grammar today, not tomorrow. "You're right. Do not postpone until tomorrow what you can do today. 21. I like to study in the morning .- Yes, the morning is wiser than the evening. 22. What are you doing? - I translate the article from English into Russian. I must translate it for tomorrow.