Сопоставьте время глагола и временное выражение (некоторые используются дважды):
Look! (2) ever, always (2), never (2), seldom, often, now, nowadays, usually, at the moment, yet, already, just, recently, lately, every day, on Mondays, tonight, today (2), regularly, sometimes, once a year, once a week, Listen! (2) How long…? for (2), since (2), these days, still, etc.
(Present Simple
Present Continuous
Present Perfect
Present Perfect Continuous)
The school of the future is the kind of school that awaits us in a few decades. Most likely, the concept of the school will not change, the students will learn the material, take exams, enter universities, but how the school itself will look is a completely different question. The entire modern world is becoming more and more computerized and technological. Even now, schools are undergoing many changes that would have excited the minds of students half a century ago: electronic diaries, computer labs, projectors in every classroom, all exams are taken under cameras online, the entire education system is moving from a conservatory to the education system of the future.
Желаю удачи в начинаниях! ~
If I hadn't been completely awake I would have thought I was dreaming. To dream about all kinds of elephants, about a dream in the end! Follow her, what if something would accompanying. I like to sleep. To dream about all sorts of galactic devices, about space and about animals, about everything that is only in this world. Do you like to dream? I love to dream! Dreams is an interesting beginning and an interesting ending. Thanks to this activity, a person can come up with something. Talking about his dream or invented thing, it also in that person. Great isn't it? Dreaming is a very interesting and good thing, I think so!