Internet nowadays is a huge obsession. It is the main place where young people spend the majority of their time. From its apparition people’s vision of life has changed a lot. The first and most important argument in this direction is the fact that if 10-15 years ago children loved to play outside with many other kids, today they would never choose to go outside rather than to play some computer games. I think it happens because in online games they have more freedom. There everything seems easy; they just sit in chair and still have fun, which is great because children today are very lazy. Another advantage they see in internet is the possibility to speak to more people than they could speak in reality, and make many new friends. From this point of view, it is not even strange when teenagers say they have thousands of friends. They really do, but these are just some numbers in a social network, not true friends capable to help and give them an advice. I know that people say that children prefer virtual friends to real ones, but I don’t think it is really like that. In my opinion, children want real friends but they cannot make them, maybe because they are less sociable and friendly. In the virtual world it is easier for them to open, and to say what they think because they won’t be judged for what they say, as nobody knows them in reality. To sum up, I would say that it doesn’t even matter how many friends do we have on social networks, as I said it is just a number, I think what really matters are those real friends we have near. It could be just one or two persons, but if you are sure of their friendship, you should keep them as long as possible.
Наша школа не является лучшим, но мне это нравится. Я хорошо на много предметов. Мои родители счастливы, что я получаю-е и Б .Я думаю, что школа очень важно, потому что мы должны научиться, чтобы получить хорошую работу. Что касается меня, я люблю открывать новые вещи. У меня есть три любимые предметы. Являются наука, ИКТ и истории. Большинство моих учителей хороши, сомы являются строгим, но справедливым. Все хорошо в моей школе. Но я думаю, что должно быть больше полевые поездки и экскурсии, чтобы идти дальше.
The first and most important argument in this direction is the fact that if 10-15 years ago children loved to play outside with many other kids, today they would never choose to go outside rather than to play some computer games. I think it happens because in online games they have more freedom. There everything seems easy; they just sit in chair and still have fun, which is great because children today are very lazy. Another advantage they see in internet is the possibility to speak to more people than they could speak in reality, and make many new friends. From this point of view, it is not even strange when teenagers say they have thousands of friends. They really do, but these are just some numbers in a social network, not true friends capable to help and give them an advice. I know that people say that children prefer virtual friends to real ones, but I don’t think it is really like that. In my opinion, children want real friends but they cannot make them, maybe because they are less sociable and friendly. In the virtual world it is easier for them to open, and to say what they think because they won’t be judged for what they say, as nobody knows them in reality.
To sum up, I would say that it doesn’t even matter how many friends do we have on social networks, as I said it is just a number, I think what really matters are those real friends we have near. It could be just one or two persons, but if you are sure of their friendship, you should keep them as long as possible.
важно, потому что мы должны научиться, чтобы получить хорошую работу. Что касается меня, я люблю открывать новые вещи. У меня есть три любимые предметы. Являются наука, ИКТ и истории. Большинство моих учителей хороши, сомы являются строгим, но справедливым. Все хорошо в моей школе. Но я думаю, что должно быть больше полевые поездки и экскурсии, чтобы идти дальше.