Сор Read the text below. (1) We all want to reduce our impact on the environment. What can we do to make a difference? Here are some ideas which everyone can try: (2) • We throw away a lot of items which we can use again. Did you know that recycling one tin can save enough energy to power a television for three hours? (3) • We throw away a third of everything we buy at the supermarket. But at least half of the items which we throw away are still fresh and tasty! (4) • Buy things which don't have much packaging. Governments are trying to make supermarkets reduce their use of packaging, but progress is slow. (5) • Rubbish in the streets looks horrible, but it is also an environmental problem. Rubbish can pollute the water we drink and the ground we grow plants in. (6) • Cars, motorcycles and planes all cause a lot of pollution. Try to walk or cycle. If your journey is longer, use public transport, such as buses or trains. If we all act now, we can make a difference! Match paragraphs 1-6 with headings a-g. There is one heading you don't need.We all want to reduce our impact on the environment. What can we do to make a difference? Here are some Ideas which everyone can try: a) Reducing food waste (2) • We throw away a lot of items which we can use again. Did you know that recycling one tin can save enough energy to power a television for three hours? b) Introduction (3) C) Reusing rubbish • We throw away a third of everything we buy at the supermarket. But at least half of the Items which we throw away are still fresh and tasty! (4) d) Fewer plastic bags and containe Buy things which don't have much packaging. Governments are trying to their use of packaging, but progress is slow. hake supermarkets reduce (5) e) Cleaning up your area • Rubbish in the streets looks horrible, but it is also an environmental problem. Rubbish can polute the water we drink and the ground we grow plants in. (6) Using less electricity at home • Cars, motorcycles and planes all cause a lot of pollution. Try to walk or cycleIf your journey is longer.
Относительно мелкое парнокопытное животное, длина тела 110—146 см, хвоста 8—12 см, высота в холке 60—79 см. Масса 23—40 кг. Удлинённое туловище на тонких, сравнительно коротких ногах. Нос в виде мягкого, вздутого, подвижного хоботка с округлыми сближенными ноздрями создаёт эффект «горбатой морды». Уши с округлой вершиной. Средние копыта крупнее боковых. Рога бывают только у самцов. Они по длине примерно равны длине головы и в среднем достигают 30 см, полупрозрачные, желтовато-белые, неправильной лирообразной формы, две трети снизу имеют поперечные кольцевые валики, расположены на голове почти вертикально.
Летний мех желтовато-рыжий, более тёмный по средней линии спины и постепенно светлеющий к брюху, без хвостового «зеркала», низкий и относительно редкий. Зимний мех намного выше и гуще, очень светлый, глинисто-серый. Линьки два раза в год: весной и осенью.
Имеются небольшие подглазничные, паховые, запястные и межпальцевые специфические кожные железы. Сосков — 2 пары.