Legend about минотавре is begun with misconduct, tsar of island of Крита of Миноса. He instead of that to bring a victim to God to Poseidon (a bull intended in a victim) left a bull to itself. Infuriated Poseidon bewitched wife Миноса, and she accomplished terrible adultery with a bull... From this connection a frightful semibull was born получеловек is adopted by Минотавром. Running from Greece (from Athens) architect Дедал - built famous labyrinth in that and settled Минотавра. Athens that was guilty before a cretan tsar - in order to avoid war, 14 youths and girls had to supply every year for the feed of Минотавра. Girls and youths from Athens were driven away by a mourning ship with black sails. Однаждый the Greek hero Тесей, son of ruler of Athens Эгея, asked a father about this ship and knowing frightful reason of black sails, conceived a design to kill Минотавра. Entreating to release a father him instead of one of youths, intended for скормления, he agreed with him, that if he will win over a monster, then sails on a ship will be white
Does Phil have a wonderful sense of humor? Do you have fun together? Phil has a wonderful sense of humor, does not he? Who has fun together? Does Phil pr Lucy a wonderful sense of humor?
Is Jessica the smartest girl in your class? Jessica is the smartest girl in my class, is not she? Who is the smartest girl in your class? Is Jessica or Helen the smartest girl in your class?
I can always turn to her for help if I've got a problem, can not I? Can you always turn to her for help, if you've got a problem? Can you always or rare turn to her for help, if you've got a problem? Who can always turn to her for help if he has got a problem?
Running from Greece (from Athens) architect Дедал - built famous labyrinth in that and settled Минотавра. Athens that was guilty before a cretan tsar - in order to avoid war, 14 youths and girls had to supply every year for the feed of Минотавра.
Girls and youths from Athens were driven away by a mourning ship with black sails. Однаждый the Greek hero Тесей, son of ruler of Athens Эгея, asked a father about this ship and knowing frightful reason of black sails, conceived a design to kill Минотавра. Entreating to release a father him instead of one of youths, intended for скормления, he agreed with him, that if he will win over a monster, then sails on a ship will be white
Do you have fun together?
Phil has a wonderful sense of humor, does not he?
Who has fun together?
Does Phil pr Lucy a wonderful sense of humor?
Is Jessica the smartest girl in your class?
Jessica is the smartest girl in my class, is not she?
Who is the smartest girl in your class?
Is Jessica or Helen the smartest girl in your class?
I can always turn to her for help if I've got a problem, can not I?
Can you always turn to her for help, if you've got a problem?
Can you always or rare turn to her for help, if you've got a problem?
Who can always turn to her for help if he has got a problem?