To make a bend — изгибаться, делать излучину to compile / make up a bibliography — собрать библиографию to make bids for smth. — претендовать на что-л., домогаться чего-л. to make a cash bid — предложить расплатиться наличными to give / make / pronounce / say a blessing over — благословить кого-л. to make bold (with) — позволять себе вольности (с) to effect / make a breach (in enemy lines) — пробить брешь (в рядах неприятеля) to make / prepare breakfast — готовить завтрак
to do business with smb. — вести торговлю с кем-л. to bring smb. to do smth. — заставить кого-л. сделать что-л. to be burning to do smth. — сгорать от желания сделать что-л.
Catherine II was born on April 21, 1729. How much can you talk about her? Definitely for hours. Did she make Russia better? Yes, absolutely. To my mind, she is truly Great, because she first of all she thought about her nation and their prosperity. Notwithstanding the policy of Catherine II was characterised mainly by the preservation and development of the trends laid down by her predecessors, it was with her, when many interesting changes took place in the country. For example, the state’s population has grown from 23.2 million to 37.4 million in 33 years. By the way, in terms of population, Russia has become the largest European country. At the same time, the population growth was largely the result of the accession to Russia of foreign states and territories, which were inhabited by almost 7 million people, which often took place contrary to the wishes of the local population. This woman was sensible and clearly knew what she was doing.
to compile / make up a bibliography — собрать библиографию
to make bids for smth. — претендовать на что-л., домогаться чего-л.
to make a cash bid — предложить расплатиться наличными
to give / make / pronounce / say a blessing over — благословить кого-л.
to make bold (with) — позволять себе вольности (с)
to effect / make a breach (in enemy lines) — пробить брешь (в рядах неприятеля)
to make / prepare breakfast — готовить завтрак
to do business with smb. — вести торговлю с кем-л.
to bring smb. to do smth. — заставить кого-л. сделать что-л.
to be burning to do smth. — сгорать от желания сделать что-л.
What are you doing?
Что вы делаете?
He is done for.
С ним покончено.
He will do for us.
Он нам подходит.
Have / Be done!
Хватит! Довольно!
This hat will do.
Эта шляпа подойдёт.
A swim will do me good.
Мне будет полезно немного поплавать.
I think you've been done.
Мне кажется, тебя обманули
Catherine II was born on April 21, 1729. How much can you talk about her? Definitely for hours. Did she make Russia better? Yes, absolutely. To my mind, she is truly Great, because she first of all she thought about her nation and their prosperity. Notwithstanding the policy of Catherine II was characterised mainly by the preservation and development of the trends laid down by her predecessors, it was with her, when many interesting changes took place in the country. For example, the state’s population has grown from 23.2 million to 37.4 million in 33 years. By the way, in terms of population, Russia has become the largest European country. At the same time, the population growth was largely the result of the accession to Russia of foreign states and territories, which were inhabited by almost 7 million people, which often took place contrary to the wishes of the local population. This woman was sensible and clearly knew what she was doing.