The Sophia Cathedral or St. Sophia of Kyiv was built during the reign of Prince Yaroslav the Wise to commemorate a great victory gained by the Kyivans at this site over the Pechenehy, who had been constantly threatening Kyiv and devastating Rus lands.The Sophia Cathedral suffered destiny of many structures of Old Rus. It was ruined in the 13th c. during the Tatar invasion and subsequently suffered many times from wars and religious strife.
Софийский собор, или София Киевская, был построен во время правления князя Ярослава Мудрого в память о великой победе киевлян на этом месте над Печенегами, которые постоянно угрожали Киеву и опустошали земли Руси.Софийский собор постигла судьба многих построек Древней Руси. Он был разрушен в 13 веке до н. Э. во время татарского нашествия и впоследствии много раз страдал от войн и религиозных распрей.
The Sophia Cathedral or St. Sophia of Kyiv was built during the reign of Prince Yaroslav the Wise to commemorate a great victory gained by the Kyivans at this site over the Pechenehy, who had been constantly threatening Kyiv and devastating Rus lands.The Sophia Cathedral suffered destiny of many structures of Old Rus. It was ruined in the 13th c. during the Tatar invasion and subsequently suffered many times from wars and religious strife.
Софийский собор, или София Киевская, был построен во время правления князя Ярослава Мудрого в память о великой победе киевлян на этом месте над Печенегами, которые постоянно угрожали Киеву и опустошали земли Руси.Софийский собор постигла судьба многих построек Древней Руси. Он был разрушен в 13 веке до н. Э. во время татарского нашествия и впоследствии много раз страдал от войн и религиозных распрей.
1 in 2 from city 3 at 4 to
Columbus arrivedin Central America, but he didn't know it. We live farfrom.the city. When we
arrivedatthe station, it was morning. Mag went..tothe forest and found.abouta nice pond there.
All people hope...forthe best. I think he is ..from Moscow, but I'm not sure..toit. when John arrived
...-...home, he hung his coat ..onthe hook. People come...tothe island to hunt ..- wild animals. There
are a lot .-skyscrapers in New York. Very few plants grow...upa rocky landbythe seashore.
Mountains extends...from north..tosouthacross the country. Do you like to
Are you doing anything Saturday night? I am going .tothe skating rink.