Сейчас нам уже сложно представить мир без компьютера.Компьютеры упавляют сложной техникой,обеспечивают свзязь,выполняют вычислечия на которое у нас бы ушло много времени.Я считаю что плюс в компьюторе -это то что есть на нем интернет при его мы может найти все,что нам нужно(доклады.рефераты,так же сможем сделать призентацию),в интернете мы можем переписываться с друзьями отвечать на их письма,а минусы компьютера состоят в том что долгое время ты сидишь за компьютером у тебя ухудшается зрение,ты отвлекаешься от реального мира,после компьютера когда долгое время сидишь за нем болит голова
Computerization today is meaningful enough and actual, as information technologies got to all spheres of life of man, but she carries with itself new problems. Among the great number of problems of application of computer we distinguished one is influence of computer on the health of man. The most considerable influence from the side of computer is tested by students, because the study of the article of informatics is begun with 2 classes. And to us, teachers, is it often necessary to hear from parents such questions: - But not is a computer dangerous to my child? - How many time is it possible to conduct after him? - does not he interfere with normal development of children? Споры in relation to a benefit and harm from a computer is conducted often, scientists conduct research about influence of computer games on a man, children argue with parents, parents - with teachers, et cetera. And an answer is however present. Computer is good. We herein are quite convinced. Very useful instrument very facilitating our life. And to renounce him on incomprehensible.
Computerization today is meaningful enough and actual, as information technologies got to all spheres of life of man, but she carries with itself new problems. Among the great number of problems of application of computer we distinguished one is influence of computer on the health of man. The most considerable influence from the side of computer is tested by students, because the study of the article of informatics is begun with 2 classes. And to us, teachers, is it often necessary to hear from parents such questions: - But not is a computer dangerous to my child? - How many time is it possible to conduct after him? - does not he interfere with normal development of children? Споры in relation to a benefit and harm from a computer is conducted often, scientists conduct research about influence of computer games on a man, children argue with parents, parents - with teachers, et cetera. And an answer is however present. Computer is good. We herein are quite convinced. Very useful instrument very facilitating our life. And to renounce him on incomprehensible.