Составить диалог девушки с подругой. (они находяться в любом городе и решают пойти в знаменитый театр, спрашивают у друг друга, какие фильмы там идут и почему он известен, а также какие у него особенности)
J:Hi, Emily! E:Hi, Jane! J:Do you want to go to the cinema/theatre with me? E:Yes! What film are we going to? J:It's Harry Potter and Philosophial stone E:Really?I read this book! It's fantastic! J:So do I. I love books or films about magic! Е:What are we waiting for? We went to buy tickets!
E:Hi, Jane!
J:Do you want to go to the cinema/theatre with me?
E:Yes! What film are we going to?
J:It's Harry Potter and Philosophial stone
E:Really?I read this book! It's fantastic!
J:So do I. I love books or films about magic!
Е:What are we waiting for? We went to buy tickets!