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the great barrier reef
australia's natural treasure
welcome to australia's great barrier reef! the 2,000- kilometre long reef is the largest coral reef system in the world - it is so big that it can be seen from space!
like many other coral reefs in the world, the great barrier reef is in danger. the numbers of fish and other creatures that live here have fallen drastically in recent years because of pollution. we need your help to protect this unique ecosystem.
help us protect the water
the sea around the reefs has been seriously harmed over the years, but you can help reverse this. don't throw rubbish into the sea as it may contain chemicals that will pollute the water. rubbish might also float to the surface, which isn't pretty for anyone to look at! help us to keep the water crystal clear so that it can be enjoyed by everyone.
help us protect the coral
remember that the reef is very much a living organism! it has been formed over thousands of years by the action of tiny creatures called coral polyps. we have to protect these creatures if the reef is to survive. if you are camping on a beach, please be careful what you do with any waste water. washing-up liquid and bleach can be fatal to coral. if anyone offers to sell you a piece of coral, don't buy it. if you see coral for sale in a shop, tell the authorities immediately.
help us protect the wildlife
the reef is home to 1,500 species of tropical fish, over 200 types of bird and 20 species of reptile, including the endangered green sea turtle. it is also a breeding ground for humpback whales from the antarctic. remember - all these creatures depend on the reef for their survival. please never fish for anything! many species of fish are in danger of extinction and therefore protected by law. the same goes for shellfish and other creatures. they may look beautiful, but remember the reef is their home. how would you feel if someone picked you up and took you far away from your home?
please help us to conserve australia's natural treasure so that it can be enjoyed for generations to come!

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23.06.2022 01:58

After my hard and busy school year my summer holidays began. I felt happy and began to plan a lot of wonderful things to do during my summer vacation.  

I was dreaming about far South countries I always wanted to visit but I had to go to the Azove seaside with my relatives. The water was very warm there because you know Azove Sea isn’t deep. What I liked there - a lot of different kinds of entertainment there: "water mountains", water scooters and discos.

There was nothing to do all day except lying in the sun and getting a wonderful tan. I was playing with my little sister on the sand and in the waves teaching her to swim. Later I returned to Kherson and spent some time in town going out with my friends, reading, listening to music, watching TV, playing computer games. After that I went to the sports camp where I spent seven days.

It was very useful experience because I had to get up very early, to train a lot, and to rest very little. But it made me stronger and healthier.

I was very happy to return home and I spent several days in my summer cottage, I helped my grandpa to dig the garden, to water plants, and to gather fruit and vegetables. I was fishing with my grandpa and we were cooking fish together. Only insects were spoiling my good mood. I enjoyed floating by boat, swimming in the river and helping my grandparents.

During my summer holidays I made many new friends, read a lot of interesting books, got to know a lot of useful things. Now I feel ready to get back to school.

I am happy to meet my friends and teachers.

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06.06.2023 04:53
1) Which of these people are not elected: a peer, an MP, a civil servant, the Prime Minister? Кто из этих людей не избирается: пэр, член парламента, госслужащий, Премьер Министр.   Peers are not elected. Пэры не избираются.   MPs are elected every 5 year. Члены парламента избираются каждые 5 лет.   Civil servants are not elected.  Госслужащие  не избираются.  

Prime Minister is usually the leader of the party which has а majority in the House of Com­mons.  So he is not elected. Премьер-министром обычно становится лидер партии, получившей большинство мест в палате общин. Следовательно, он не избирается.

2) What is the difference between a life peer and a hereditary peer? В чем различия между пожизненными пэрами и наследственными пэрами.   Hereditary peers have inherited their titles; Наследственные пэры получают свои звания по наследству.  Life peers who are appointed by the Queen on the advice of the Government for various services to the nation; Пожизненные пэры назначаются королевой по предложению от правительства за различные достижения во благо страны.
3) What are civil servants? Кто такие госслужащие?   Departments and ministries are run by civil servants, who are permanent officials. Even if the Government changes after an election, the same civil servants are employed. Министерства и ведомства находятся в ведении госслужащих, которые являются постоянными чиновниками. Даже если правительство меняется после выборов, те же самые госслужащие продолжают работать. 
4) Is the Prime minister also an MP? Премьер министр тоже является членом парламента? Yes, The Prime Minister, or leader of the Government, is also an MP. Да, Премьер министр, лидер правительства, также является членом парламента.
5) Is the prime minister the leader of the political party with a minority in the House of Commons? Премьер министр лидер политической партии с наименьшим количеством мест в палате общин?

No, Prime Minister is usually the leader of the party which has а majority in the House of Com­mons.  Премьер-министром обычно становится лидер партии, получившей большинство мест.

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