Составить краткий пересказ из 10 легких предложений. in our modern, high-tech society and with 24-hour access to the internet, it's no surprise that children are using homework-help websites more and more. however, there are arguments for and against using the internet as a homework tool. there is no doubt that using the internet as a homework tool has its advantages. first of all. it is a quick way to find information. this means that students have more free time for other activities. secondly, the internet provides a variety of sources. for example, students can read lots of information and form their own opinions by comparing and contrasting ideas. however, there are drawbacks to using the internet as a homework tool. one drawback is that students don't use their writing skills. for example, they just copy the information which is not always well-written. another disadvantage is that some websites not only contain poorly written material, but also inaccurate information. as a result, some students may include a lot of facts in their work which are incorrect. all in all, i think that the use of the internet as a homework tool is a welcome and useful development. unfortunately, though, it is not free from risks and we must bear those risks in mind if we want students to get the most from the internet.
В одиннадцать часов семья легла спать, а через полчаса все огни погасли( свет погас).Через некоторое время, господин Отис проснулся из-за шума за пределами его комнаты..Звук был похож на скрежет/лязг металла. Он сразу поднялся,зажег свечу и посмотрел на время. Был ровно час ночи.Господин Отис был совершенно спокоен. Странный шум продолжался, а вместе с ним он услышал звук шагов. Он надел тапочки, взял маленькую бутылочку из шкафа, и открыл дверь. Прямо перед собой он увидел старика. Он выглядел ужасно. Его глаза были красные,волосы были длинными и седыми,его серая одежда была старомодная и грязная,а на запястьях и лодыжках были наручники и ржавые цепи . «Милостивый господин» сказал г-н Отис «эти цепи необходимо смазать.Вот,возьмите небольшую бутылку машинного масла.Я оставлю ее здесь для вас, и я дам Вам ещё,если Вам понадобится.»С этими словами посол поставил бутылку на мраморный стол и отправился обратно в постель, закрывая за собой дверь.
Well, it's difficult to say that I've got favourite insect. But, I can say that gnat is the most interesting insect I've ever seen.
First of all, I have to notice that this tiny insect can bring you a lot of inconveniences.
It can make a terrible noise. Which is very annoying.
Some people try to kill gnat when they hear this noise. Well, only agile person can do it.
because, it's very complicated to catch it. Moreover it's very bad. If you try to kill gnat, imagine that you are a gnat. And someone tryes to kill YOU. I consider that you stop doing it.
To conclude I'd like to say, that it's very complicate to say that gnat is my favourite insect, but I feel a pity to gnats.