Составить кроссворд на английском языке ( по данному тексту)- 15 слов Adjusting to American Culture
One of the best opportunities you will have during your time in the United States is
to learn about American culture. The American way of life may be very different
from your own, and that difference is part of your cultural exchange experience.
Your time in the U.S. is designed to be a great learning opportunity, so take
advantage of it!
You will discover new things about Americans every day, and as a result you may
decide to change some of your behaviors in order to adapt. Adaptation is not
always easy, but it’s also important to remember that you are temporarily in the
United States for a new learning experience; you will be returning to your familiar
lifestyle afterward, so it’s important to be flexible about making changes to how
you do things. The key to a successful program is to stay positive and explore all
the opportunities given to you.
Read more about Adjusting to a New Culture from the U.S. Department of State,
Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs.
2) How many classes, seminars and lectures have you had today? I have had six classes today. I haven't had any lectures or seminars.
3) What interesting TV programs have you seen this week? I haven't seen any interesting programs this week.
4) To what museums, cinemas, theatres or concert halls have you been this month? I have been to several art galleries this month.
5) Who has passed the exams with excellent marks in your group? Nobody has passed the exams with excellent marks in my group.
6) Where have you just come back from? I've just come back from the college.
7) You have been late for the first lecture, haven’t you? Yes, I have. I have been late for the first lecture.
barefoot - босиком (bare - голый, foot - нога)
spider - паук
plane - самолет
house - дом
valley - долина
handmade - ручная работа (hand - рука, made - сделанный)
cupboard - кухонный шкаф (cup - чашка, board - полка)
beaver - бобер
waterway - водный путь (water - вода, way - путь)
builder - строитель
lifestyle - образ жизни (life - жизнь, style - стиль)
skyscraper - небоскреб (sky - небо, scrape - скрести)
building - здание
hardship - трудности
roommate - сосед по комнате (room - комната, mate - товарищ)
rainforest - тропический лес (rain - дождь, forest - лес)