Все изотопы одного элемента имеют одинаковый заряд ядра. Обычно изотоп обозначается символом химического элемента, к которому он относится, с добавлением верхнего левого индекса, например, 12 C, 222 Rn. Все изотопы одного элемента имеют одинаковый заряд ядра, отличаясь лишь числом нейтронов. Обычно изотоп обозначается символом химического элемента, к которому он относится, с добавлением верхнего левого индекса, означающего массовое число (например, 12C, 222Rn).
Углерод.Изотоп 12C называется легким, 13C тяжелым, а 14C радиогенным.
1. Kate went to the airport with her parents and her brother Nick. While they were waiting at the airport, Nick remembered that he had something important to tell Kate. Her friend phoned just as they were leaving to ask what time Kate’s flight left. Previously Kate's friend had thought that she wouldn't be all to get to the airport in time but she turned up while Kate was saying goodbye to her parents. She finally went trough pass. port control and everybody waved goodbye.
2. It was the day of his English exam. He woke up and looked at his alarm clock. He saw that it to stop during the night. He realised he would be late for his exam. He was ever an hour late and exam already begin. When he was sitting at the table, he found that he had left his pen at home. He asked his friend to give him a pen. Despite everything going wrong he passed him exam.
3. Yesterday I read a story. It was a story about a novelist who wrote a novel that was a great suc- cess. Once he met his friend that he had not seen for many years. After they were talking for some hours, the novelist said: "We have already talked about me. Now, let's talk about you. Did you think about last novel when you read it?"
Все изотопы одного элемента имеют одинаковый заряд ядра. Обычно изотоп обозначается символом химического элемента, к которому он относится, с добавлением верхнего левого индекса, например, 12 C, 222 Rn. Все изотопы одного элемента имеют одинаковый заряд ядра, отличаясь лишь числом нейтронов. Обычно изотоп обозначается символом химического элемента, к которому он относится, с добавлением верхнего левого индекса, означающего массовое число (например, 12C, 222Rn).
Углерод.Изотоп 12C называется легким, 13C тяжелым, а 14C радиогенным.
friend had thought that she wouldn't be all to get to the
airport in time but she turned up while Kate was saying
goodbye to her parents. She finally went trough pass.
port control and everybody waved goodbye.
2. It was the day of his English exam. He woke up
and looked at his alarm clock. He saw that it to
stop during the night. He realised he would be late
for his exam. He was ever an hour late and exam
already begin. When he was sitting at the table, he found that he had left his pen at home. He asked his
friend to give him a pen. Despite everything going
wrong he passed him exam.
3. Yesterday I read a story. It was a story about a
novelist who wrote a novel that was a great suc-
cess. Once he met his friend that he had not seen
for many years. After they were talking for some hours,
the novelist said:
"We have already talked about
me. Now, let's talk about you. Did you think
about last novel when you read it?"